New York nightlights from the 55th floor

~ New York, Hilton Hotel ~

9:16 PM

Brianna is standing in the hallway on the 55th floor. 

This is the hotel where she met Mario for their date which started with a dinner. However, instead of going through with her date, Brianna followed some unknown force which brought her here, in front of the door of the most exclusive suite in the hotel. 

She is trying to understand, why is she here? Is she following Quentin? Why would she do that? Is she really unable to resist the magnetic pull that man has over her? Even if that is the case, how does she know that this is his suite? After all, the room key does not have a room number on it. It can be any other room, but she knows that if it's Quentin, he would stay in the top floor suite, enjoying the luxury and the breathtaking view the 55th floor can provide.