Tyler vs Elizabeth

~ Seattle, Franciscan Medical Center ~


3:52 PM

Elizabeth is in the underground parking lot level for employees, walking to her car. She is done with her work for the day and is heading home early. 

Ah, these are the benefits of being a surgeon: she can leave as soon as her tasks are done because any emergencies will be sent to the Urgent Care, and her patients schedule appointments in advance. As an added bonus, any previously scheduled surgeries are starting from early morning. 

On the days when she has surgeries (like today, she had three), all of them start from the morning hours, back-to-back, and usually by lunch time she is free to head home. 

Today Liz stayed longer because she was working on the research related to finding the cure for the virus which attacks the nervous system. That is the project she is helping out Dr. Thomas with. Liz finds that woman and her work fascinating!