Traps and laughs

~ Seattle, Mia's and Hunter's apartment ~


5:46 PM

Hunter arrived from work and cautiously made his way through the hallway toward the living room.

As soon as he touches the doorknob on the door of their apartment, Hunter is alert to the point of being jumpy. Lately, Mia is setting up traps for him to practice, and nowhere is safe. He knows that she is doing it for him, so that he passes (survives) trials her family will put him through, but it's nerve wrecking when he doesn't know from where a knife fly his way, or a wire will wrap around his ankles.

"Hey!", Mia exclaimed while popping from the side bedroom and pouncing on Hunter.

Hunter was startled for a moment, but he regained his senses in time to catch her. With all this stress because of the traps, he forgot that Mia is energetic. And he loves when she sticks to him like a barnacle.

"How was work?", Mia asked when Hunter's hands wrapped around her.