The morning after...

11:23 AM

Elizabeth woke up without holding onto her bolster and she realized that the bed is swaying. Of course, the whole boat was swaying, but she needed a minute to realize where she is.

Liz opened her eyes and met Max's gaze.

"Good morning, beautiful…", he greeted her.

"Good morning, handsome…", Liz smiled and started scooting closer to him.

She paused when she noticed that he is dressed up. A second later she confirmed that he smells fresh as well.

Liz squirmed and confirmed that she is naked under the cover, slightly sticky, and sweaty.

"When did you wake up?"

"Not long ago.", he lied.

Max didn't sleep at all. The two of them made love until dawn and shortly after that Liz slept off, but he was so excited that he was unable to sleep.