Missing persons (2)

~ Seattle, Anderson family's villa ~

Nathan ended the call with Hunter and summoned his driver to get the car ready. 

"Why are you going to the hospital? Is someone hurt?"

Madeline's voice made Nathan stop in his tracks. He realized that Madeline overheard the end of his conversation with Hunter.

It's not that Nathan wants to hide things from Madeline, but he does not want to alarm her. Not until he gathers the facts, at least. He decided to downplay the situation. "Yes, someone is hurt, but it's no one important."

Madeline can see that Nathan is avoiding her gaze. He does that when he is hiding something. 

"If that person is not important, why are you going?", Madeline asked suspiciously. 

Nathan looked at Madeline and thought how he knows that stern gaze. She will not give up until she gets her answers.