Sharing good news (1)

~ Seattle, the Continental Views building ~

Liz parked in the underground parking lot of her building and spent some time in the car, silently practicing how she will tell Max that she got the promotion. People don't get promoted often, so it needs to be impactful. 

She thought that something special for this occasion will be appropriate. Maybe they can go out for dinner. Yes. That will work. They can go out for dinner, something fancy and exclusive, and then during the dessert, she will say her big news. Or maybe they can order a fancy delivery and eat at home and for dessert, they can have each other. That sounds even better than the eat-out option. 

Liz giggled at her silly thoughts in the elevator. Max really made her a lustful woman, but what can she do? He is that good.

Liz's day was fantastic, and she knew that it would end even better because it will end with Max. Just the two of them. Wonderful.