Lunch at the Alpha Group HQ (2)

Don't forget to add to your library my other novels: 'Is this Destiny?' and 'Amara - Reunion'


"You either leave on your own, or I will get security to throw you out.", Valerie said arrogantly. 

Liz was exasperated. Why is Valerie asking for trouble?

Liz imagined that Max will come to pick her up, Valerie will realize that she made a huge mistake and stare at them with her mouth open wide and learn her lesson. But it seems that is not happening, and now that Valerie mentioned Liz being thrown out by security, there is no way that Liz will let it go. Especially not now when she sees that their audience is increasing.

Liz narrowed her eyes at Valerie. "Throw me out? Based on what?"

Valerie lifted her chin arrogantly. "You have no right to linger here."

"This is a public space. If not, it would be a requirement to show some ID at the entrance."