Farewell lunch for Dr. Snow (2)

People took turns, each talking for a minute or two and Liz was sure that her brain short-circuited. How come she can't think of a single thing (or two) to say about the man with whom she shared lunches at the office for about a month? There are two more people before she needs to say something, but nothing is coming to her mind. Well, she can talk about him grabbing her hand in that restaurant and ordering an ocean of flowers to her office, but those are not appropriate topics. Ah! One more person!

Liz took a deep breath and forced a smile while thinking that she should excuse herself and go to the restroom and stay there until this lunch is over.

Ah! It's her turn! When did that happen? Everyone is looking at her and she can't just leave! Liz panicked internally and swallowed hard. She did her best to avoid the small smile on Dr. Snow's lips and the expectant looks of others at the table while her brain scrambled to come up with something. Anything.