The Fourth of July party (2)

As much as Mia was paying attention to the conversation with Liz and Brianna, she stood with her back facing the pool and she was observing the surrounding.

Mia didn't miss two women who were approaching our trio casually while gesturing with their eyes toward them. They were two steps away when one of the two women faked that she tripped, and lunged herself toward Liz.

In one smooth move, Mia pulled Liz on the side and…

There was a scream: "Rita, watch out!"


The woman who fake-tripped (aka Rita) planned to push Liz in the water, and after Mia's swift action, there was nothing to hold onto and Rita plunged into the pool.

Liz looked at Mia in shock. She didn't see Rita who was coming from behind her, but the moment there was a splash, she realized that Mia just saved her.

"I've got your back.", Mia said cockily.

Liz smiled. "Thank you."

Surprise on Bri's face was obvious. "Is that McKenzie?"