The Fourth of July party (4)

Brianna and Sabrina hit it off well. They are both interested in fashion, girly pampering, and the finer things in life, and they found that they have a lot in common. Mia and Liz were included in the lively chat as well and Sabrina said that they must go on a girl-only outing before Brianna returns to New York. 

Hunter, Quentin, and Ashton observed the girls from the side. 

Quentin didn't like that Sabrina is trying to take his fiery Goddess on a girly outing. That means he will not be there! But on the other side, if Bri makes more friends in Seattle, she will be coming more often, and maybe even decides to move to the West Coast (Seattle to be more precise), like Mia. Of course, Quentin is not aware that Bri is planning to move to San Francisco soon.

Quentin was looking around and he nudged Hunter and gestured toward the stage where the band is.

Max was there, with an acoustic guitar in his hand and adjusting the height of the microphone.