The FD Studio (2)

Sabrina wondered, why did Jackson come to her work? Jackson is part of her life from before she opened her first design studio, six years ago, and this is the first time that he came. And what was that with him inviting her to come with him to the event? And to his work? And then the kiss… Is it possible that he came to check on her because at the party he saw her with Ashton? Sabrina dismissed that idea. Jackson never cared what she does, as long as he gets to attend parties and tell people that she is his fiancé. And the fact that she does not ask about his hookups is a bonus.

They are together for about eight years now, and Jackson never showed interest in her business or anything else from her life, other than the fact that she is an Anderson. When it's just the two of them, they always talked about his needs or each of them is doing his (or her) own thing.