The new roommate (2)

Sabrina ordered dinner (as usually).

After dinner, Ashton helped with the cleanup.

"OK. I will be going now."

Sabrina looked at him with confusion obvious in her expression. "Where?"


"Your things are here.", she reminded him.

"Uhm… I didn't bring any bedsheets."

Sabrina narrowed her eyes at Ashton and started speaking swiftly, without giving him a chance to interject: "The bed is set up. You are welcome to use those bedsheets, they won't fit on my bed. And there is a spare set in the linen closet. The towels are in the bathroom and I saw you pack your toiletries. Any more excuses?"

Ashton licked his lips nervously. The idea of spending the night in the same apartment with Sabrina sounds wonderful and torturous at the same time. But she has a point. They will be roommates, so he might as well get used to it. "I guess I'm staying at your place tonight."

"Our place.", Sabrina corrected him.