Dinner with Andrea (2)

After reading the files which Max provided her on Andrea, Andrea's father, and Novabank, Liz had a talk with Max to better understand their collaboration and challenges. After that, Liz spent some time on the phone with Isaac.

Liz didn't like the options with an outcome where Max or Andrea need to lower their head and swallow their grievances, both of them are too proud to do so. And she does not want Max and Andrea to fight either. Of course, her leaving Max because of some photos was never an option.

Elizabeth thought of an alternative solution that will work for everyone, at least she hopes that will be the case.

Liz reached for her bag and pulled a folder which she placed on the table. Her palm firmly pressed on the folder while her eyes didn't leave Andrea. "I hope that you will see that the cake is big enough for everyone to get their fill and there is no need to fight over a single slice."