Sabrina consults her brothers (2)

"May I know who the lucky guy is?", Max asked Sabrina cautiously.

Liz told Max that Sabrina's engagement with Jackson is a sham. Because of that, Max is investigating Jackson's past and he knows that Jackson is cheating. And Liz told Max about the phone call as well, but what Max does not know is: who is the mystery guy who can make his big sister blush like a teenage girl?

After all, his sister just admitted that she is in love, how can he not be curious? That is his future brother-in-law!

Sabrina took a deep breath and stifled a laugh at Max's expression. His eyes showed that he is burning to find out, and somehow it reminded her when they were little kids. Max was always curious, about everything.

Sabrina wondered, should she tell Max that she fell for Ashton? Probably. Well, there is no harm telling Max, but how will Max react? He will be supportive, at least that is what Sabrina hopes.