Dinner for Sabrina and her date (4)

Outside the Anderson family villa…

Hunter walked onto the circular driveway and turned toward Ashton. He stared at him and was irked by Ashton's cool behavior, like this is beyond him. Why is he so relaxed?

Ashton stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans and watched Hunter who is obviously fuming. Ashton didn't say anything because he knows that whatever he says, it will only irritate Hunter more and he agreed to come out only so that Sabrina can talk with her parents peacefully. Ashton knew that Hunter will have issues with him and Sabrina, but this is a bit more than he expected.

"Speak!" Hunter demanded.

"What do you want me to say?" Ashton responded flatly.

"How long is this going on?"

"I have a crush on Rina since… the first time I laid my eyes on her."

Hunter gritted his teeth. "I see… and at what point you laid more than your eyes on her?"