Hunter and the Russo family (2)

Hunter observed this father-daughter duo and concluded that they are getting along well, at least on the surface. Hunter was not sure what prompted Mia to leave the house during her days in college and to practically cut off her father. Based on what Hunter knows, Fabricio is the only family Mia has.

In the dining room, they were greeted by an alluring woman in her late thirties who smiled at Fabricio before looking apprehensively at Mia.

"And this is…?" Mia asked her father stiffly.

"Penelope." Fabricio responded.

Mia glanced at the long dining table and noticed that it's set up for four. "Should I call her 'mother'?"

Fabricio cleared his throat awkwardly. "That is not necessary. Penelope, this is my daughter Mia, and her friend Hunter."

"My BOY-friend, Hunter." Mia corrected her father and didn't care about approaching Penelope for a handshake.