Enjoying their time together

~ Seattle, Sabrina's and Ashton's apartment ~


7:12 PM

"Dinner is done!" Sabrina called when she arranged the food she personally prepared in the plates.

"Coming…" Ashton's muffled sound was heard from the bedroom.

Ashton was discharged from the hospital almost two weeks ago, and his mobility returned. His neck brace is gone, and other than bandages around his chest area and cast on his left arm, he is back to how it was before the attack. Bruises, redness, and swelling disappeared completely.

However, Sabrina still wants to take care of him and to make sure he is properly rested until he recuperates fully. She cooked tonight.

"Smells great." Ashton said when he took a seat at the table.

"Feel free to praise it if you like it… and if you don't like it, you have the right to remain silent." Sabrina said through giggles.