The Grant Farm (3)

Sabrina woke up and found that she is alone in the room.

She got out of the bed and glanced out the window. She smiled at the sight of Ashton throwing the football with Adam, Doug, and Shane. She could not hear what they are saying, but occasionally their laughter drifted her way.

Sabrina left the room and went into the living room where she found Mr. and Mrs. Grant. They didn't notice her.

"…how can I not be worried?" Mrs. Grant asked her husband. "Do they even know what they are doing?"

Sabrina knew that they are talking about her and Ashton. She took a few steps back into the hallway and cleared her throat to announce her presence before re-entering the living room.

"Good afternoon…" Sabrina greeted them with a smile when she met their gazes. "It seems that I slept off. I apologize. I came here so that we can get to know each other and I ended up sleeping."