Isaac's birthday weekend (5)

As Liz and Max made their way through the guests, Max observed Liz and noted that she is polite and keeping her distance. This is not Elizabeth who is laughing and enjoying with him, Mia, Brianna, and a few other selected people. This Elizabeth has an invisible barrier around her which ordinary mortals can't penetrate. She is like royalty, an untouchable princess, his Queen, and he likes that he is in the small circle that gets to see Liz when she is relaxed and carefree.

Max also noticed that Liz is avoiding their generation. It seems that she is on purpose greeting only the elderly guests. Max knew beforehand that Liz does not have any friends close to her age at this party, because she told him many times that only Mia and Bri are her true friends, but he didn't know it would be to this extent of ignoring their presence. He wondered, what is the story behind it?