Accident 05

~ Seattle, the Continental Views building (Liz's apartment) ~

November 22

4:23 AM

Liz shifted in her sleep and groaned. Why is her phone ringing?

She hoped that it's not Max with his demands for them to talk. Mia and Brianna told her that Max is miserable and drinking. She does not want to talk to him. Or maybe it's not him. It could be Mia and Brianna checking up on her.

Whoever it is, Liz is upset because she cried herself to sleep and she slept less than half an hour ago while hugging a pillow that has Max's scent on it.

Liz took the call when she saw that it's an unfamiliar number. "Yes?"

"Is this Elizabeth Williams?" A female voice was heard.


"Ma'am, I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour, but you are listed as an emergency contact for Maximilian Anderson… He was admitted twenty minutes ago at the Tacoma General Hospital…"

Liz felt like a lightning struck her. "What? Why is Max in a hospital?"