Apologies and promises

~ Seattle, the Franciscan Medical Center ~


November 24

3:32 PM

Liz is in Max's VIP room, sitting by Max's side and listening to Isaac, Madeline, and Nathan chatting.

Why is Isaac there? Yesterday afternoon, Isaac called Elizabeth with the hope to convince her to come to New York for Thanksgiving weekend which is one week away.

"Come on, baby girl… I barely see you since you moved to Seattle and this will give us four days to spend together… We can go skiing or anywhere you want. My jet is ready… It does not need to be four days. You can spend two with your old man. Or one, that will be fine also. Of course, Max is included…"

"Sorry, dad but… I can't. Max is in the hospital. He is in a coma and…"

And that is how Isaac came to Seattle for the weekend.

Max's body is healing well. The swelling under his skull subsided and they are waiting for him to wake up. It can happen any minute… or not.