Discussing Irene and security

After their morning in the spa, Liz reached home (Max's apartment) and found Max in the study, reading something on his laptop.

By the way he swiftly closed whatever was on the screen, Liz guessed that it's related to Irene.

Max knows that Liz is not comfortable when Irene is mentioned, so unless she asks about the current progress, he is doing his best to pretend that Irene does not exist.

"How was your morning with girls?", Max asked while making his way toward Liz.

Liz looked at Max and guilt swelled inside her. She knows that it's not Max's fault. Sure, Liz would be more confident if Max didn't freeze that evening when Irene made her appearance, but that does not mean that Liz would be assured how her relationship with Max is ironclad.