Vacation to Jamaica (5)

"Damn it…", Devan cursed under this breath while looking at the arrangements of the balls on the table.

"Why is he upset?", Liz asked Max. "All the solid balls are pocketed and only the eight ball is left. When he gets that in, they win."

"True. But… our balls are blocking his path to the black one and if he hits ours first, he will commit a foul. He got carried away and he forgot to strategize for his final move. Now he is forced to hit a wall first with the white one, and this is a tricky angle. Unless he does a trick-shot to jump over striped balls, he will be unable to score the winning shot."

"Do you know how to do a trick-shot?", Liz asked Max in a whisper.

"I know a few.", he responded ambiguously. 

Liz thought about how this is fascinating. The pool is not only about geometry and physics, but includes strategizing as well. "We should get a pool table for our home."

Max inhaled sharply and stared at her.