Christmas (2)

Over dinner, Liz noticed that Foxy is more relaxed with Isaac than before their in-front-of-the-restroom chat. And it seems that reflected on Isaac as well, because more than once Isaac and Foxy ended up smiling and gazing at each other and that made Liz… uncomfortable.

Ah, she thought that she is fine with it, but now that she sees her father smiling goofily at Foxy, Liz realized that getting used to this will be a process. She wondered if that is what Isaac went through when he saw her with Max. Probably.

Liz told herself to stay cool. She was never the one to accept changes easily and she can't allow her discomfort to jeopardize her father's happiness. Regardless of how deep Isaac's feelings for Foxy are, if he finds out dark thoughts Liz has, it will create unnecessary complications and Isaac will be caught between Liz and Foxy. That is not fair.