The conference in Portland (6)

Liz walked toward the middle of the stage and she was unsure if her legs are shaky because she is nervous, or because of lovemaking. Maybe both. Max drained her anxiousness and the rest of her energy as well.

'This might be a good thing… Instead of worrying not to mess up my presentation, I am concerned not to fall on my nose…', Liz laughed internally at her predicament but she has no regrets. Max has many ways to make her scream in ecstasy and she cherishes every memory of his gentleness mixed with intensity.

If pleasing a woman is a sport, Max would be the world champion and Liz is confident in this even though Max is the only man who ever touched her intimately. 

Liz is sad that Max had to leave, but he is not one of the participants so there was no point in him lingering and waiting for her to finish in the hallway or in the hotel room. She would not be free until lunchtime anyway.