Guests from Idaho (4)

On Friday morning, Sabrina, Cynthia, and Angela met with Liz, Mia, and Andrea at the spa.

Andrea joins other girls for a spa day occasionally, and this time she managed to empty her schedule for several hours in the morning.

They are all busy, but this is a very appreciated girl-time where they get to talk about many topics from serious ones to teasing.

"Is Bri avoiding me?", Sabrina asked while adjusting herself in a big lounging chair that has special support for the lower back which soothes pregnant ladies.

"No, she has an important meeting and when I spoke to her about the spa, it was too late to cancel.", Liz said. "She told me that next time she requires at least two days heads-up."

Andrea was curious about two newcomers (aka Cynthia and Angela). "What brings you to our beautiful Seattle? Work, or pleasure?"