Valentine's (2)

For dinner, Max helped Liz dress up and the two of them went to a restaurant for a romantic dinner.

The room was private, with a great view of Seattle's skyline, flowers, candles, light music, tasty food, non-alcoholic beverages, Max looking at Liz like she is the only woman in the world… it was perfect.

Max and Liz didn't sit across the table from each other, but side-by-side. It was easier for Max to feed Liz and to hold onto her whenever he could.

Liz told Max that he can drink his usual beverage (whiskey or wine), but he didn't mind giving her company in drinking juice.

Liz was touched. "You do so much for me."

Max put his hand over Liz's and their fingers interlaced. "For whom am I going to do things if not for the woman I love?"

Liz smiled at her sweet-talking boyfriend. His gentle gaze told her that it's not just sweet-talking and that he really means it.