A missed opportunity

~ Seattle ~

As the days trickled away and the wedding day approached, Mia was getting restless.

Things were falling into place one by one. Mia picked her maid of honor, bridesmaids, dresses, rings, Fabricio was on the phone daily with Madeline and Nathan, discussing the venue and necessary security measures, and things seemed to be under control, but Mia felt that something is missing.

Liz will be the maid of honor, and Hunter picked Mike as his best man.

Olivia was super-excited because she will go as Mike's date (well, they are dating), and that means that she will be THE date of THE best man at THE wedding of THE mysterious Hunter Anderson! If someone told her that this will happen one year ago, she would call that person a liar. But here she is, mingling with girls who are associated with the Anderson brothers, and with Quentin, and she even has a smoking-hot boyfriend (aka Mike).