Wedding rehearsal dinner (M&H) (1)

~ Seattle, Sabrina's and Ashton's apartment ~

Five days before Hunter's and Mia's wedding…

Angela returned from work, and she overheard the conversation from the living room.

"Honey, are you sure you can do it?", Ashton asked Sabrina.

"Yes, my dear.", Sabrina said confidently. "I gave birth to Will ten days ago, and other than slight bleeding, I am as good as new. Don't make it difficult for me, please. I really want to do this. I have only two brothers."

"What is going on?", Angela asked when she joined them in the living room.

"Madeline called to confirm that I am in good enough shape to be the bridesmaid for the wedding. If not, she might need to make last-minute adjustments.", Sabrina explained. "The rehearsal dinner is in two days and she is on top of things. You are the bridesmaid as well, right?"

"Yes, yes… I confirmed that two months ago.", Angela said while bobbing her head.