What if it's a misunderstanding?

One day before Mia's and Hunter's wedding…

Hunter woke up and tightened his hold on Mia without opening his eyes.

He was elated that the first thing greeting him in the morning is Mia's warmth. Mia's presence is ingrained in every cell of his body and he wouldn't want it any other way.

Mia hummed while trying to stretch, but halfway she gave up on stretching, and her arms wrapped around Hunter's torso.

'Yup, it's perfect', Hunter thought.

Mia placed a few light kisses on Hunter's pecs and leaned her head on his chest to enjoy the sound of his heartbeat. She does that every morning and it's her favorite way to wake up, in Hunter's arms, listening to his heartbeat that is telling her that he is right there, for her.

"Good morning, future husband…", Mia greeted him when she was ready to open her eyes.