Hannah Brown

Suzy pursed her lips while thinking about how to respond to Irene's proposal to collaborate. She tried working with some other women who were coveting Hunter and Max, and all those ended as failures. The ones who were after Hunter ended up messing up with plans because they feared that Suzy will monopolize Hunter once she gets her hands on him, and the ones who were after Max were utterly useless and they chickened out before anything of significance happened.

Suzy had to admit that working together with a shrewd and determined woman like Irene can be beneficial.

"OK. But first, I want to know what your name is."

Irene smiled. "Hannah."

Suzy didn't believe her. "Can you prove it?"

Irene reached into her purse and showed the ID with an address in Chicago on the name Hannah Brown.

Suzy was wrong to assume that Irene does not have a fake ID.