Mia's bachelorette's party (4)

Max and Andrea bickered some more like kids, and Andrea decided to leave.

"You are leaving the party?", Liz asked Andrea in disbelief.

Andrea glared at Max. "With him here, I don't feel like partying. I will see you tomorrow."

Liz looked after Andrea who disappeared in the crowd while heading toward the exit and Liz was not sure what to say.

And with that, their group of six ladies partying got reduced to five (with the addition of Max).

Liz was confused. Did Andrea come for the bachelorette's party, or for Liz? Liz didn't want to discuss this with Max because she would either make him anxious or he will get his 'I-told-you-so' moment. Probably both.

She held onto Max and they danced at their own tune while exchanging light kisses.

Liz smiled. The party was better with Max around. She was missing him. Everything is better with Max around.