Middle of the night (1)

Angela's eyes fluttered open and she smiled goofily at the sight in front of her: Derek's sleeping face.

Angela was confident that she was dreaming. Why else would she wake up next to Derek on the bed in an unfamiliar, dimly lit room? She was nicely tucked in the blanket, while he slept on top of it, like a gentleman. Yup. Derek is many things, but a gentleman is not one of them, so this must be a dream.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, inhaling his sinful scent that made her remember his hot touch, and the hungry way he looked at her, and she felt the wetness pool at the cradle of her thighs. Oh, such a vivid dream! If this is the effect of the alcohol, she will get drunk every night so that she can enjoy such nice dreams.

Angela opened her eyes and observed his handsome features and a small smile that lingered at the corner of his lips. Even without the scorching gaze of his chocolate eyes, Derek was irresistible.