The wedding (M&H) (7)

Mia smiled as she shook hands and nodded while thanking robotically everyone who approached her.

It was nice the first fifty times, but after that, it became a reflexive set of actions as her brain became numb.

Fabricio beamed while standing between Mia and Penny. His daughter married a fine young man, and he got to walk her down the aisle and share this experience with Penny. They look like a happy family and he hoped that one day they can become one for real.

On the previous evening, Nathan and Madeline organized a party for the older generation, with an intention to introduce Fabricio and Penny to their circle of friends and partners. Fabricio was surprised to see that a number of people from that group were his customers. Ah, it's a small world.

Fabricio's wristwatch buzzed, reminding him that it's time for the father-daughter dance.