The symposium (6)

Applause shook the air as Liz made her way over the stage. She was relieved when she reached the marked spot where speakers should stand without stumbling on her own feet.

The MC gave Liz a thumbs-up as an OK to proceed, and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves while hoping that her stiff smile didn't reveal how anxious she was.

Liz turned to the back to confirm that the first slide of her presentation is shown on the large screen behind her, and then she started.

"Good afternoon. My name is Elizabeth Williams, and I am a neurosurgeon currently employed by the Franciscan Medical Center in Seattle. Today I will talk about…"

Once she started talking, it took her about five seconds to break the mental barrier she created herself and forget about the nervousness. She smiled while remembering Max's words that the first step is the hardest one.