Chapter 63: Horror Movie Murder Case 3

They went in the attic where they saw a few old things such as deteriorated furniture, rusty lamp, and etc. Seiya inspected everything as he saw a drop of blood at the edge of the hole that leads to the murder scene, He took a cotton bud as he took a sample of the blood. He asked the CSI to bring it back to the lab, but when the CSI went forward. He suddenly step on something that made a crossbow shooting sound.

*SOOOUP!* [Author: Panda thinks fast saying of soup seems like a crossbow shooting]


The police officer down below shouted as he was nearly pierced by a wooden stake that came out from the wall, Seiya tore off the wooden floor that the CSI accidently step on as he saw a couple of crossbow mechanism glued just between the walls. The CSI apologized to the Police officer who nearly got shot in the abdomen as Police Officer Takagi asked.

"Seiya-san who do you think the killer is?"

"I'm not sure, but I feel that the killer is a woman, since she wants to use the story from this abandoned mansion as a curse to scare us. But we cannot use this reason as we need to find more evidence to really find out who the murderer is, lets go to the hospital to see if the unconscious staff has awoken up."


Takagi led Seiya to his vehicle as they drive towards the hospital, they entered the injured staff's room and saw a person covering the head of the unconscious staff member with a pillow. Takagi immediately rush forward as he shouted.


The female staff who had her face covered with her hair was unnaturally strong as she used the back of her right hand to slap Takagi. Takagi was slammed onto the wall as the wall cracked, she then stared at Seiya who was holding his pistol as she felt threatened. Seiya was aiming a pistol onto her head as he said.

"Move away from the victim~ "

Seiya could see that the female staff was like possessed as her eyes were very reddish yet her skin seem to be cold and whiter, who knew she immediately jumps out through the window as Takagi who barely stood up saw how the female staff crawled the wall outside the window, he couldn't help but say as they stared at the possessed staff that had already jump down as she ran towards the abandoned mansion.

"Is She possessed?!"

"Yes, probably. Call the people that are still in the mansion, tell them to leave the mansion immediately!! You and I just saw how she just used the back of her hand to slam you onto the wall without effort."

"Yes! I understand!!"

Takagi immediately called his police squad as the police officers wondered why Takagi would ask them to retreat. But they still followed his orders. It took a few minutes, before all the police officers and CSI outside the mansion, saw a woman running in a fast speed as she entered the mansion then the door suddenly closed without someone touching it. They couldn't help but gasp as they thought they were hallucinating. Takagi and Seiya arrived in front of the mansion a few minutes later, as Seiya asked the police officer beside him.

"What's the situation?"

"Well, a few minutes ago. We just saw a crazy woman entering the mansion without us responding then the entrance door suddenly closed by itself. Currently, the whole area is very silent."

Police Officer Chiba explained what they saw as Takagi felt his body feeling cold when he stared at the abandoned mansion. Seiya frowned as he glanced at the attic window where he saw the possessed female staff staring at them, Chiba even pointed it out as he exclaimed.

"Look there she is!"

"Let do it like this."

Seiya explained a plan in which all strong men and women are in front while the weaker people held some ropes and police handcuffs so that they could restraint the female staff as Takagi explained to them what happened in the hospital which made them feel a little scared but because they had 14 people in total, they think their odds of winning or restraining the girl is bigger. Seiya led the team as he kick the wooden entrance door open, he said.

"We're coming in!"

They first went to the stairs where they heard a loud crawling sounds close to them. Takagi and Chiba held their ropes and handcuffs as Seiya suddenly look up as he immediately shouted.


The crazy possessed female staff was fudging crawling upside down as she jumps toward one of the policeman, The policeman who got caught by the possessed female staff had a bitter thought.

'Why me? T-T'

Seiya rush over as he restrained both of her arms as he was behind her, before she could scratch the policeman's face. He shouted while kneeing behind her knees as she kneeled down.

"Quick! Handcuff both of her limbs!"

Takagi handcuffed both of her hands while Chiba handcuffed both of her ankles as Seiya took the rope as he binds her like a sushi role. Seiya and the gang sighed in relief as the possessed female staff tried to struggle, she shouted in a hoarse voice.


Seiya knife hand the acupuncture point behind her neck which made her faint, he then ordered the squad as he said.

"Place her in a interrogation room, I will personally interrogate. Because I assume no one has experienced interrogating a possessed person?"

Takagi, Chiba and the gang nodded frantically since this was the first time they seen some strong supernatural activity. Seiya carried the possessed female staff as he placed her at the backseat of Takagi's car, they then went to the nearest police station since they weren't sure if the girl would wake up immediately. He sighed as he felt like he needed Akako for this job. Meanwhile Akako Koizumi was making some unknown concoction in her alchemist room, she then grabs a black bottle as she pulled the wooden cork. Akako frowned as she saw that there was nothing inside the black bottle, she muttered.

"Tsk, I ran out of resentful ghost....*sigh*"

She then grab a glass orb from her bag as she spoke while rubbing the glass orb.

"Tell me where is the nearest resentful ghost!"

The glass orb showed an image of the possessed female staff and then it changed into a red dot as it was like a google map with a GPS coordinates. She frowned before shouting.

"Servant! Bring me my magic broom!"

"Yes, Akako-sama....."

A black shadow emerged from the darkness as he went outside the alchemist room to grab what Akako Koizumi has ordered. She waive her hand as the fire underneath the black cauldron dissipate, she then went on to bring some magic items to deal with the things that might be troublesome for her. She didn't know that she was about to encounter her future lover Seiya.