Meet Mandi Sweets

Mandi couldn't remember what started her love affair with shoes. As early as she could remember, heels gave her a feeling of power.


During the day Mandi works as journalist for a large woman's magazine in NewYork City. However, her passion is writing erotic and romantic prose. At first, the prose was a hidden talent, saved for personal journals and love letters. However, after Mr. Jones read her work for the first time, he was insistent that she pursue publication. That was 8 years ago; she is now recognized as one of the most passionate writers of her time and genre.

Mandi is also well known for her elegant and expensive fashion tastes. Most outfits were a beautiful blend of classic and exotic. Leathers with blazers, corset lacing on work jumpsuits... things that show just a bit of skin, but never overdone.

Despite her literary work, Mandi keeps her sex life under-wraps. Most people don't even know about Mr. Jones. They both keep completely separate lives outside "the house". In fact, both have their own apartments and often romantic partners. In many ways their relationship was both open and monogamous. He was her only dom and her his only sub.

Mandi wasn't one to mess with in the journaling world. Men and women respected her, and at times feared her for her drive.

Mandi didn't ever need Mr. Jones. She is more than capable of providing for herself. Yet, at the house, Mr. Jones has complete control. Mandi was tired of always having to be strong and Mr. Jones never makes her feel the need to be when they are together.

Mandi enjoys her submissive role. It is almost therapeutic for the stress in her career life.

When not at "the house," Mandi learned to practice meticulous self-care. At first it was difficult when Mr. Jones would have to go away on business. However, as both their careers blossomed, Mandi learned.

Mr. Jones also provides numerous suggestions to keep her busy. Mr. Jones and Mandi have a very special agreement. One of his many requirements is a well done manicure at all times. He enjoys the feeling of nails down his back and on his arms as Mandi struggles not to finish before being given permission. His requirements also included a list of self-care and beauty practices that included detailed waxing practices and regular beautification rituals.

Both Mandi and Mr. Jones appreciate a well kept body so it was no additional inconvenience for Mandi to follow these extensive list of commands.

Mandi grew up in a semi-traditional home, the eldest daughter of divorced parents. She learned early to be mostly self-reliant. She spent most of her youth helping to care for her younger siblings and pushing herself to achieve in school. After graduating from university, Mandi moved straight into the world of journalism and never looked back.

She wasn't lonely, but she never had serious relationships. They were typically more of distraction than she liked and she enjoyed being able to casually date, rather than settle down.

Still, deep down, Mandi was tired. She was tired of being strong in front of everyone. She craved a way to let go and be free for just a little while from the pressures of her world.