Episode Six: In Love And War

Today is my Birthday and I'm so happy even though deep down I wasn't so happy because I didn't hear from Romeo ever since our kiss ,I was sitting on bed I just finished taking my shower Mr ben knocked the door and enter he give me a new suit he buy for me for my birthday I was really grateful because I never wear a suit in my life ,I dressed up and come to the palor Michael was holding the cake and singing a birthday song for me Mr ben and the rest, our co workers and neighbors all wishes me a happy birthday,there he comes wearing such a beautiful black suit exactly like mine ,he was holding a beautiful red rose flower on his hand with a gift on the other hand,the moment I set my eyes on him I feel peace and happiness deep down my heart ,but then I'm still surprised how our suit look exactly the same ,Michael laugh and whisper to my ears actually his the one that bought the suit for you and ask father to give you ,I tickle Michael and smile ....He give me the flowers and the gift wishing me a happy birthday I replied Thank you .he asked me to open the gift it was beautiful hand bangle with engraved #Rojul The beginning of his name and my name.....He bend down on his knees and said "julius will you please be my boyfriend,I know that we started in a wrong way and I want to make things right by been by your side if you allow me to,I love you with all my heart,all the people gather there applause and chanting say yes,I was happy that this is my best birthday ever ,I pull romeo up and said "you make my birthday so special and thank you for that ,yes I will be your boyfriend ,he kiss me so passionately..my birthday was awesome if that's what you really want to know.....

Things has been really good for me happiness and love has taken over my life everyday Romeo visit me in the restaurant .our love has grown stronger .

One Week Later Romeo was assigned by his friend Jude to work on a criminal case ,A group of thugs enter a former senator house kill him and Rape his daughter ,the FBI were able to arrest the gangs leader who goes by the name Lorene ,which romeo fight the case in court and get justice to the senator family ,Lorene was sentence to life imprisonment ,while the FBI are still looking for Lorene Boys..

I was at the restaurant it rain heavenly so everywhere is just wet but the rain stopped. max and two of his friends come for lunch in the restaurant,I was surprised to see him there ,He ordered some food and juice I bring there order which Max yell at me that it was a wrong order and I should change it. I went back and change the food which he still say the same thing, I was fed up with him and asked him to leave if he didn't want to order anything serious,he pour a glass of juice on my face I wipe it away and he dragged me outside the restaurant saying"you messed up with the wrong person I will deal with you personally,you think you will get away with it after stealing romeo away from me"I didn't know what to say about it because I'm tired of all the max yelling and shouting. I just slap him on the face saying"I have tolerate everything you keep doing for me out of respect to mrs santiago but I heard enough of it already "he push me down to the ground replied" you even got the guts to slap me well I will teach you a lesson today ,he asked his friends to naked me I started begging him to stop they tear up my shirt and stop ,he throw his car key on ground and match it into the mud ,and ask me to pick it using my mouth I was shedding a tears and use my mouth to pick up the key he collect the key and ask them to beat me up...Romeo rush and stop them and slap max with saying "stay away from him I'm warning you for the last time or next time I won't show you any mercy " I was cover in mud and dirts he held my hand and take me inside,max and his friends left.Romeo console me and asked if I will go to the beach with him during weekend which I Agreed...

On Saturday cold morning romeo come to Mr Ben house and take me to go to the beach and he will be driving it was such a fun trip and we are having fun while he was driving,he looks like his going to suck me up because he so in love with me.and yes I'm deeply in love with him too.

Everything was fun on the trip we play we have fun and we enjoy the moments together,but sadly I ran into the devils I was at the beach swimming pool side and romeo was massaging my foot ,mrs clarita and Lily were at the resort for a business trip and they're were relaxing at the pool side watching us ,Romeo went inside to bring sunburn cream to rob for me,I was relaxing when I hear her voice saying "you should be ashamed of yourself going out with people boyfriend "I raise my head only to find out it was lily and her mother I stand up and greet them which mrs clarita said "shut up there and stop acting like a saint you moron boyfriend snatcher " I try to leave there Lily pull my hair and slap me and I slap her back and I pull her hair too we both fall inside the pool and continue fighting inside .romeo jump into the pool and bring me out lily was left with her mother there. mrs clarita was so Angry....Romeo uses towel and clean me up with it and ask me to meet him later in the night by the beach side .....mrs clarita was deeply angry and make some call to Lorene boys that she will need their help soon .

The lorene Boys ,Jeff ,Alpha and Excutioner went to the prison and visit Lorene and he planned for them to Attack the judge so that he will be release on bail ,and the boys agreed to do that exactly and lorene also want to take his revenge on romeo for pushing the case....

It was a beautiful night and the moon was bright ,the stars were sparkling Romeo was sitting by the beach, I walk near him and said "sorry I hope I didn't keep you waiting "he smiled and replied"no,not at all " he held my hand and looked into my eyes beautifully and said "Jojo you make my life so bright and shinny ,you stole my heart and make me a better version of myself, I want to love you until the day I died " he bend down on his Knees and propose "Will you marry me jojo? " That Question make my heart beat with joy and Happiness I quickly replied "Yes I will Marry You" he shout yes ,yes ,yes and kiss me and lift me up so happily....

Next Final Episode coming on Monday 23th .

What To Expect!

The Wedding?

The dead of Julius ?

The beginning of a New Journey?

The Eternal Love?

The Gangs Revenge?

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