The Beginning

Oliver groaned as he woke up to the blaring sound of his alarm clock.

He had already smashed the snooze button of the little demon three times and as much as he wanted to throw the ungodly machination out the window of his apartment and go back to sleep for a fourth time, he knew that he had to get up and get to work or risk the wrath of his Boss.

Damn him and his tendencies to stay up until 3 o'clock in the morning to watch anime and play games.

Rolling over to check the alarm clock, Oliver quickly went through all five stages of grief upon realizing the time.


So, with several complaints cursing out to whatever cruel and unfair god made his work start at the malevolent hour of 7 o'clock in the morning, our protagonist quickly got to work; brushing his teeth and changing at lightning speed.

As he was running out the door in a desperate attempt to make it to work on time, he heard the ringing of his phone, the Iconic Naruto Opening "Silhouette".

As much as his life sucked he did still find enjoyment in games, anime and manga. He particularly Naruto, after all it basically made up his childhood and he also found the entire world just so interesting. Except Boruto. That shit is actual sacrilege.

Glancing at his phone, Oliver noticed that the number displayed on the screen of his cracked Iphone Four was one he recognized all too well.

Placing the phone to his ear, Oliver could here the faint sound of heavy breathing from the other end.

Oliver: "Hello?"

After around 10 seconds he heard the voice of easily one of the most downright horrid individuals to ever walk the face of the earth.

The voice of his boss; a man who could be considered the human personification of a pig.

With his huge, snout like nose and massive ears accompanying his 500 pound build of pure fat and an attitude to match his build he earned the nickname "ugly bastard" by his subordinates.

"Ollie!, listen. We just picked up an extra contract and you are going to be the lucky man in charge of doing all of the work."

Just Perfect.

Now he had to stay and work overtime at this dead end office job just because his boss was to busy sleeping or eating to actually do anything besides assigning work to everyone else.

Alas, this job is all he had left. So, with fake enthusiasm in his voice he gave a quick "Alright, boss" before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Despite all of the hardwork and effort he had put into his job, it had seemed to get him nowhere.

His boss was infamous around the workplace for only being able to keep his position due to the influence of his father, whose influence he used to claim ownership for his employee's hardwork.

And, unfortunately for Oliver, he was the most common pick that his boss chose for the person who he would offload all of his work onto.

Unfortunately, the company was corrupt as hell, and if he reported the man to HR, he would be out of a job.

He also didn't have the money to pay an attorney to represent him in court for the matter in the first place.

Oliver could only shake his head as he thought about the unfairness of the situation and continued his commute to work.

The rest of his day played out about the same as it would any other day.

Quickly buying a crappy coffee from the cafe next to his office building before getting to his cubicle and doing his work.

During his lunch break, Oliver heard that the cute brunette in the cubicle across from his is recently single. And whilst he was certainly no charmer, Oliver has had a couple of girlfriends and wasn't even that bad looking.

With his brown hair and eyes and slightly tan skin though, he was still slightly below average, but he still hasn't been in a relationship for a whilst.

Oh well, maybe he'd ask her out tomorrow.

The hours rolled by as Oliver's coworkers got up to leave, a couple of them wishing him a goodnight and giving him a look of pity, clearly knowing the fate that had befallen him.

After sticking around the office for an extra three hours to get the work for the new contract done, Oliver glanced outside and noticed that it was starting to get dark out.

Just as he was packing up his stuff and about to leave he noticed that his boss had just got into the office. No doubt so he could grab the work off of him as he always did.

Pig: "Hey Oliver, Come into my office we have to talk about something."

Oliver couldn't help but get a bad feeling about this, he had never been pulled into his office like this before, it was normally that oliver just willingly left his work on his desk and let the fatty take it.

Deciding to trust his instinct, Oliver turned on the record function of his phone and placed it into his pocket as he walked into his bosses office and took a seat across from him.

As much as our poor MC wanted to go home and waste away playing video games and watching anime, he unfortunately couldn't tell his boss to fuck off to a gym so he had to just grin and join the boss in his office.

Pig: "So, Ollie. Your boss got a promotion."

Oliver hated it when people called him that. It always reminded him of how he was just his boss's little plaything and how he ended up in such a terrible situation.

Oliver: "Congratulations Sir!"

Pig: "Ah yes, but here comes our problem"

Oliver: "Problem?"

Pig: "That's right. You see Ollie, when I am promoted I will no longer have direct supervision over you"

Oliver had a slight crack in his neutral facade as he realized what was happening

Oliver: "I see, you fear that as you leave I am gonna pull the rug out from underneath you and report you"

Pig: "You know, that is one thing I always liked about you. You're no Einstein but your still pretty smart"

Oliver: "Please Don't do this, I won't say anything I swear, I can't get a job anywhere else, I haven't even completed high school."

The Pig shook his head as he saw Oliver's reaction.

Pig: "Sorry, but I'm afraid I can't leave a trail"

Oliver got up and shook his head as he walked out the office, the fatty's arrogant voice echoing over and over in his head.

Oliver was in absolute shock. Here he was, working unpaid overtime for this fat loser who could only get to the position he was in because his daddy was some kind of bigshot.

And then he was just cast aside casually. Like Dirt.

As he was leaving the office he could barely pick out the words "Clean out your desk" from the edge of his hearing.

Fine then.

If Oliver was going to go out, than he'd take that fat fuck down with him.

Oliver walked down to the police station and dropped off a USB with the voice recording downloaded onto it, as he feared that things would get nowhere in the company if he were to report it there.

After he dropped the usb off at the police station, Oliver turned around and began walking home.

Walking home Oliver was going through his entire life in his mind.

Where did he go wrong?

Was it when his parents died in a car crash when he was thirteen?

was it when he was forced to drop out of highschool at sixteen because his inharitence dried up leaving him with nothing?

As Oliver was busy questioning the world he noticed a little girl, about six years old crossing the street whilst her mother was looking.

(A/N: No, I am not gonna edit that typo, it adds personality to the book.)

As she was crossing the street a truck was barreling towards and he could tell that if he did nothing than the little girl would die.

Fuck It. He was already ruined in this life. Might as well end things off with a good deed. Maybe he would be allowed to reincarnate.

Mizuki chuckled at the thought as he rushed towards the little girl, ready to complete the last good deed of his life.


In the heaven realm, "god" could be seen sitting on his couch watching Naruto, frantically procrastinating just as the author is when writing this chapter.

However, as he was staring at the screen in which the show was playing, his concentration was broken by his watch, golden contraption with a "ankh" symbol on it.

A symbol used by ancient humans that represented reincarnation.

(IDK how accurate this is, google says its A OK tho, so Im rolling with it.)

The letting loose a beeping sound as the screen of the watch shifted from showing the hands of time to a map where a human soul who was about to reincarnate die.

The god now had a smirk on his face as he gazed into the mortal realm.

Currently, everybody he and the other gods had reincarnated had all grown overpowered with harems as large as armies.

It was getting boring to watch them, he missed the days when the reincarnators needed to struggle for their achievements.

Luckily for him, that would soon change with this new reincarnator.

God chuckled as he thought about how the mortal would end, as he felt like dying by JUST a truck would be boring.

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in his head as he began weaving handsigns, showing his true weebness.


So, our MC heroically rushed into incoming traffic and was able to push the little girl to safety. realizing this was it for him, he turned to face his would be killer.

Oliver: "Hola, Truck-kun! you mind isekaiing me?"

However, Just as Oliver was about to die, things changed.


God finished weaving his hand signs as he faced the mortal who was about to get run over by a truck.


Although people believed that they had imagined it, the observers of the accident would all later report that just as the truck struck the man, a large, lightning clad arm had descended from the clouds and struck him, and hearing a voice that was almost like a mutter and yet they all heard it.


God: "I've Always wanted to do that"