Another Uchiha?

Class was about as boring, if not more than yesterday. Mizuki spent his time doing a mixture of practicing Hand Seals and chatting with Shisui in the back.

Glancing towards the front of the class, Iruka appeared to be hyperfocused on what the teacher was saying, strung up on every word.

Mizuki had nothing against Iruka, far from it, the boy was kind and innocent, although, he was just like every other five year old.

Naive, Innocent, and slightly annoying.

Despite the boy not being mean spirited in any way, Mizuki felt that he should distance himself from him.

After all, the only reason why the original was friends with Iruka in the first place was too fit in, and gain the Hokage's attention, as Iruka's parents were both among the Hokage's Guards.

Iruka was still a genuinely good guy and Mizuki wished all the best for him, but he couldn't help feel like he was babying him whenever they hung out.

As a result, Mizuki was scheming to get Iruka more friends before slowly fading out of the picture himself.

It appeared that the teacher had finally noticed that the two boys in the back of the class were not paying attention to him at all, funny how it took him so long.

After all, he does have a legendary dojutsu, the Byakugan.

Clearly confident in his strategy, the teacher decided to call them out on not paying attention by forcing one of them to answer a question.

Teacher: "Hmm, lets see.."

Said the teacher with a fake pondering tone.

Teacher: "Shisui, care to tell me why we use hand seals when we cast jutsu"

Aaand the teacher lost.

He might have had a chance if he asked a more complicated question at Mizuki.

But that?


It was a fucking joke.

Your asking one of the most talented shinobi who ever lived that question? It's like asking Albert Einstein to prove 1+1 equals 2.

As anyone with half a brain could guess, and much to the teacher's astonishment, Shisui answered the question flawlessly.

Shocked, and embarrassed, the teacher dismissed Shisui back to his seat and attempted to continue the lesson where he left off.

Wearing a mischievous smile on his face, Shisui sat down next to Mizuki who also had a visible smirk.

They both let loose little chuckles before going back to what they were doing, a mix of mild training and small talk.

When the period ended, they both got up and went to their next period; Taijutsu.

As Mizuki was still in the body of an ordinary child, he actually needed to focus in Taijutsu, using the class to his advantage to increase his physical strength.

Exhausting himself for the next hour, Mizuki was relieved of his self imposed torture upon hearing the bell yet again.

Being one of the first to enter the cafeteria, Mizuki was about to grab his lunch when somebody knocked themselves into him.


Falling on his ass, Mizuki was snapped out of his daze by the frantic apologies of the person who crashed into him.

???: "Oh my God! Im so sorry! i didn't mean to! I just tripped!"

The boy was very clearly flustered as he frantically apologized to Mizuki

Mizuki: "It's Fine"

replied Mizuki casually, not particularly bothered at his current plight.

Finding some familiarity in the other party's voice, Mizuki glanced up to see who bumped into him, only to be incredibly surprised.

The boy who bumped into him was Obito Uchiha, the future Ten Tails Jinchuriki and wielder of one of the most OP Jutsu to ever exist.

(A/N: Kamui is one of the most hax jutsu in all of Naruto, Fight Me.)

Brushing himself off as he got up, Mizuki grabbed his lunch for a day and was about to leave when he noticed Obito glancing around the room nervously.

Mizuki: "Hey, Obito"

The boy, clearly nervous that Mizuki was angry for getting knocked into was guiltily looking at the floor.

Mizuki: "Wanna have lunch with us?"

Obito glanced up in shock at the boy across from him. It was his first time having somebody invite him to anything besides Rin.

Mizuki: "Well?"

Obito: "Alright, coming!"

The two boys took their lunches and walked to a table where Shisui was already waiting.

After introducing the two Uchiha to one another, they all sat down and started to wolf back the food they were provided.

Was it delicious?


But it was something to fill the empty void that was their stomachs.

Apparently, Rin was basically Obito's only friend and she was sick today so he basically had no one to hang out with, at least until he met Mizuki & Shisui.

Talking to Obito more, Mizuki learned that the boy was an orphan and also took care of himself in his own apartment.

As they were all in similar situations of being extremely independent from the adults, the boys all ended up bonding together and agreeing to hang out after class.

The bell rung, signalling the end of lunch. Much to the dismay of the newly found trio.

Aftering bidding each other goodbye until after class, they all got up to finish the day.

Deciding to practice his chakra control, rather than listening to this dumb class in which he was learning nothing, Mizuki used a variant of the leaf concentration technique.

However, in order to draw less attention to himself, Mizuki decided to apply the technique on the back of his hand whilst having his palm facing upwards.

Only after trying this technique, did Mizuki realize how difficult it was.

After spending the entire period trying the technique, Mizuki could only sustain it for ten seconds. Although, he still did feel an improvement in his chakra control and concentration.

Glancing up at the clock, Mizuki realized that there was still an hour of class left until the end of the day.

Mizuki decided to seize this opportunity to regenerate his chakra for the training he would be doing after school with Shisui and Obito and spent the remainder of the class chatting with Shisui.