Basic Info

I am a first-time author, so expect mistakes to be made, and please be patient with me.

This is an AU, and as such, some things are different compared to canon, namely the ages of some characters. Iruka and Mizuki are both the same age, which happens to be one year younger than Kakashi's generation. Shisui Uchiha also happens to be the same age as both of them and is also in the same class. Also, the graduating class for them is 12 years old, similar to Naruto's class, rather than 10 years old as it is in canon, making all of the characters in this generation two years older than their canon counterparts.

I chose this approach as it allows me to get to the romance quicker without it being weird/pedo.

The release schedule is normally pretty random and whenever I have time, although there is a guaranteed two chapters a week, although more often than not I release at a rate of three chapters per week or more.

All chapters have a minimum length of 1K words, although Interludes are not subject to this rule.

This book is going to be a harem, although the romance is not going to be until the MC is at least fourteen. , any feedback at all about who you think could make a good candidate is greatly appreciated!

"" - Character Talking

{} - Character's Thoughts

<> - Sound Effect

. . . - POV Shift / Scene Change