Mizuki looked towards the bandit who was strapped to the table via belts on each of his limbs and his waist and neck.
With what little lucidity he had left, the man violently struggled now that he was strapped down to the table, desperately trying to somehow escape the bonds that tied him down.
However, what little willpower the man was able to muster for his final moments slowly escaped him, with his struggle beginning to slow and eventually stop outright as resumed his previous state.
Mizuki looked towards the man on the table with a look that conveyed the slight pity that Mizuki felt towards the victim of this operation.
Whilst he had no problem taking advantage of people for his own gain, operating on a random person in addition to purposely making the operation cruel was not something Mizuki desired.
To him, it was all business. Rather than being upset at the fact that a man was being torchered, he was upset that he was the one pulling the trigger.
If it was up to him, he would still do the operation, it could make him stronger after all.
Although he would not be needlessly cruel about it, as low as they were Mizuki still had his standards.
Unfortunately, it was not up to him.
Orochimaru had clearly never heard the words "Standards" in his life judging by how he was treating the poor man.
(A/N: *cough*and the mc in the april fools chapter *cough*)
Mizuki looked over all of the files one last time to make sure that he had got everything before nodding to himself.
Orochimaru pulled up a chair with a clipboard in hand, ready to note down changes he observed within the subject.
Mizuki took a deep breath before turning to look at his soon to be victim.
It was time to start the experiment.
Mizuki wheeled over a rolling tray table that had all of his necessary supplies in it.
He expertly took a syringe off of the tray table which he then cleaned by using fire chakra to sterilize it as there was no alcohol or disinfectant in the Naruto Universe.
Additionally, in the Naruto Universe there was no plastic, forcing syringes to be made for reusability and made of metal.
Mizuki then dipped the syringe into the adrenaline mixture before filling up the syringe barrel with it. He pushed down on the plunger slightly, testing the syringe to see it was working.
Seeing a drop of the solution emerge from the end of the needle, Mizuki confirmed that it was ready, and then quickly turned around to start the surgery.
As the subject was subdued, it was relatively easy for Mizuki to find the correct vein to inject the adrenaline into, with it being on the inside of the arm close to the elbow and technique called the "median cubital vein".
(A/N: Thank God for Google)
(A/N2: I feel like Im teaching a bio class rn lol)
Mizuki gently punctured the skin as he injected the adrenaline into his patient's bloodstream.
Seeing as he had fully discharged the "medicine" into the patient, Mizuki put down the needle and was about to continue with the operation when Orochimaru gestured for him to stop.
Orochimaru: "Wait, first we let the adrenaline take its course"
Mizuki could only wait as the drug coursed through the man's bloodstream, taking effect.
His eyes slowly regained their glint of rationality and his body slowly started twitching from it's lifeless state as he awakened.
Bandit: "Ugh, What is...Happening?"
After around ten minutes, the man finally fully woke up, although his memories were clearly clouded as the first thing he tried to do is to get up, only to realize that he couldn't.
He checked his body only to realize that he was being restrained via the belts, which secured him to the cold, uncomfortable operating table.
At first he thought that he just got hammered the previous night and perhaps ended up with a girl who was into 'that' kind of thing.
Slowly, memories started to reassemble themselves in his head.
Although these memories were not complete.
Rather they were just fragment. Glimpses into what his body had suffered through over the past weeks as his mind shut down.
His mind completely disassociated from these memories, a sign of the brain's attempt to try to manage the stress that it had gone through.
These fragments showed scenes that caused the man to start to shiver with fright.
Scenes of torture, both physical and mental.
Scenes of him and other soldiers being forcibly deprived of food and water that was provided to them.
However, the man's thoughts that were running a mile a minute were interrupted by the site of something else. Another human.
The boy who he saw couldn't be taller than five feet, with the dim lighting obscuring all of his features except for his brilliant silver hair and green eyes.
Although his thoughts refused to stay in one place constantly flickering between the fragmented memories and the child in front of him.
The child fiddling with something on the table next to him.
Scenes of him being woken up in the middle of the night just to break him.
The child starting to approach him, his features slowly getting more and more visible under the torchlight as he approached.
And scenes of being locked in a dark, small, damp room. One that had nothing except for a hole in the ground. He was Alone.
(A/N: that might not sound that bad to some, but solitary confinement has been proven to literally drive people insane).
Bandit: "Eh? What the Hell? The woman I took home must have a kid?"
By this point, the man was shivering constantly, clearly saying those words to himself as a kind of reassurance.
Although he saw those scenes in his head, the man was still able to convince himself that they were a bad dream, a nightmare that came and went.
As Mizuki approached him, the man called out to him.
Bandit: "Who are you kid? Where's your mom?"
Although as the boy approached, he remained perfectly silent. Even his footsteps could not be heard as he approached the man slowly. Like a Jaguar does it's prey.
As Mizuki got close enough to the man to accurately see him though, the man noticed a scalpel expertly held in the child's hand, as the child continued to approach him at a rhythmic pace, with no visible emotions decorating his face.
Bandit: "K-K-Kid? W-W-Where am I-I?"
Not bothering to respond to the man's question, Mizuki tossed the scalpel in the air and quickly weaved a series of hand signs before catching the scalpel, the jutsu causing it to glow an erie blue.
Seeing as he was in danger, the bandit tried to weave some sort of hand sign, only to realise that all four of his fingers were strapped together, preventing individual movement. Leaving only the thumb free.
Bandit: "W-W-Wait Kid! We can talk about this! I can offer you money! women! I will even be your henchman! just let me live!"
His reaction caused no change in Mizuki though, as he brought down the glowing scalpel along the bicep, causing a large and deep incision along the muscle.
Bandit: "N-No! This can't be happening! This must just be a nightmare!"
Although it was not a dream.
By this point the man began to wail and scream in pain ,both feeling his arm being slowly chipped away at and also seeing his own blood gushing out of the incision.
The man's sense of pain was enhanced again as he felt a little pick in the open wound that had just been made.
Just barely able to move his neck enough, he saw Mizuki injecting a second round of adrenaline into him, causing his bleeding and stress levels to only increase further.
The boy continued to torture him as the man was forced to stay awake, even though he would have naturally fallen into unconsciousness long ago.
Eventually his fragmented memories slowly began to bleed into his current ones and then ones of his past, all as he slowly lost a hold on his concept of time.
It could have been one second or an eternity, he could have been tortured for his entire life or it could have only just started.
The bandit quickly realized he could not remember any more.
Although rather than making him angry or upset, it only caused him to spiral deeper into a depression, his will had already given in long ago.
The man's muscles tensed up, although did not struggle as Mizuki inflicted what could only be described as horrible torture to the man.
He rotated between different types of cutting tools as he slowly sawed deeper and deeper into the man's flesh, trying to reach the bone.
Although the pain was indescribably intense, eventually it all became..meaningless.
Although he was still awake, and he could still hear his own agonized screams and could see his own blood being spilt, it was just...pain.
However, that illusion was quickly broken again when the pain quickly increased in sharpness.
The Bandit quickly realized that it was the sound of Mizuki using a hammer and chisel like structure to try to break his bones open.
With a final strike, the cracking of the bandit's bones announced the majority of the surgery being complete.
The Bandit: "Aaaaaargh! Make it Stop! Please! Kill Me! I just want to die! I'm begging you"
Unfortunately for The bandit, Mizuki's will was unfaltering.
He grabbed the bone marrow sample he received and inserted it into the appropriately sized gap he had created in the bones.
Using chakra scalpels to shave off the bone and tissue in the area that was obstructing it.
Also experly using the mystic palms jutsu to heal the bleeding in the surrounding area to prevent the patient from dying of blood loss.
Eventually, the bone marrow of the scorch style user integrated seamlessly with the bone surrounding it.
Mizuki than began to use the mystic palm jutsu to heal the area as the muscles slowly closed themselves, the process only being slightly less painful then when he had created the wound in the first place.
Although, the thing that had changed most notably was the sound.
It was deathly quiet, the only sound in the room being the scribblin of pencil on paper as Orochimaru recorded his notes and the sound emitted by the Mystic Palms Jutsu.
The man had relaxed his muscles as he had reached what is often reached what is referred to as the final stage of grief. Acceptance.
The bandit Accepted that he was probably going to die, so why struggle any further.
He could still feel the pain just as well as previously. But what was the point in struggling?
It wouldn't do anything after all.
However, just as Mizuki was as about to be complete the surgery, what could only be called as karmic interference occurred.
Now that he was not focused on the pain, if he strained his neck hard enough, the bandit could make out a faint silhouette in the darkness, one who was faintly scribbling notes down in a book of some kind.
Normally, this would be nothing to note. Except for the fact that the silhouette was awfully familiar.
Suddenly, in what could only be described as divine intervention, all of the bandit's memories fell into place and returned to him.
Including what that damn snake did to him.
What the man that the silhouette belonged to did to him.
The Bandit's willpower returned to himself with this as he made a determination.
To get justice for himself in the form of revenge.
Not escape, revenge.
By this point he had already given up hope on his own life.
He knew he was going to die.
All he wanted to do was to drag down that blasphemous snake and his assistant.
The Bandit could sense that within himself there was now a new power.
He didn't know what it was or how it got there, but he didn't care.
All he knew was that it spent chakra, didn't require hand signs, and was his only shot at achieving his goal.
The Bandit: "Fuck you, you Son of a Bitch!"
The Bandit: "Both of you are Fucking Monsters!"
Seeing the slight crack in the boy's facade, a slight look of surprise in his eyes at the man's sudden outburst, got him to have a large smirk on his face.
As he said that, he infused all of his chakra into this new power he felt.
The power that his very torcheres had given him, Scorch release.
The resulting attack were two small flaming orb like structures that resembled suns that floated around the bandit's body.
However, just as he was about to hurl the balls at Orochimaru and Mizuki, he coughed up blood, causing the orbs to shrink and dissipate.
The man's body was rejecting the foreign DNA.
The man could see that in the boy's eyes there was almost a look of pity.
Like he wished he could have ended things differently.
The bandit chuckled as he saw the boys complicated look.
Seeing as this was his chance, the bandit decided to make his last will and testament.
Bandit: "Cheer up kid, your experiment was a success. Now all you have to do is make sure the person doesn't die at the end of the operation."
Seeing the boy's continued complex look, the bandit let loose a faint chuckle, the first he had done since he got here.
Bandit: "Don't look at me like that kid, I might not have deserved this, but I was still a shitty person. If you want to do something then perhaps remember my name?"
Seeing the boy's nod the man stared him straight in the eye.
Bandit: "Saikuru"
After he said that, he erupted in another fit of violent coughs, again spewing out a mixture of blood and bile.
However, over the sound of the man's violent coughs, and his spewing of blood, there was the slow methodical sound of footsteps.
The Bandit could only look on in horror as he saw the man that had captured him and tortured him emerge from the shadows.
His Judge.
His Jury
His Executioner.
All in one person, standing before him, who was berating him lightly as if he was some kind of spoiled child.
What he was actually saying the bandit could not tell, his sense of hearing, along with the other four were all flickering on and off as he slowly faded into death's grasp.
However, just before he died he was able to do one last thing.
He mustered all of his remaining willpower before looking Orochimaru in the eye, who by this point was simply towering over him.
He used the last sliver of his chakra to manipulate the shape of the mixture of the liquids in his mouth, mainly blood and bile, into a ball which he than spat at Orochimaru, with his aim hitting true.
He than saw the snake's reaction as he shifted from calm to humiliated as he stared at the bandit in unbridled rage.
The look on his face was priceless, causing Saikuru to erupt in laughter for the final time, as his loud powerful laughter faded
Seeing his humiliation, Orochimaru desperately wanted to try to show the man who was the winner.
However, it was too late for him as Saikuru had already closed his eyes with a large smirk on his face. One that made him appear like he was about to burst out in laughter at any moment.
But Mizuki knew that he never would again.