*Kakashi POV*
Shinku: "Let the Second Phase of the Chunin Exam...Begin!"
As the proctor said those words, the gate in front of us swung open, indicating that we should enter.
Nearly instantaniously, both of my teammates and I all focused our chakra into our feet before leaping into the forest, begining our exam.
As we leapt through the treetops, my teammates and I simply advanced towards the tower, as that was where the highest concentration of genin, and as a result scrolls, would be.
Unfortunatley, neither of my two teammates, nor myself had any sensory jutsu, so we were forced to use a relatively crude method like this.
I looked over to Rin, who had the scroll hidden within her equipment pouch.
Overall, she seemed decent enough. Getting to know her over the past few months, he learned that she was profficient in medical ninjutsu, although beyond that, she was relatively average.
Conclusion, she wasn't totally useless, but may become a burden in some situations.
He saw her taking small glances out of the corner of her eye towards his other teammate, who was exhibiting the same behaviour, which he found mildly humerous.
It was just so incredibly obvious, how were they that dense.
Than again, there were denser people in their age group.
Kakashi thought of a certain other silver haired genin who just so happened to nearly always be accompanied by one of his teammates, a certain purple haired kunoichi.
Kakashi's face twitched slightly as he thought of his other teammate.
Obito Uchiha.
He was virtually Kakashi's exact opposite, where he was cold and apathetic, Obito was energetic and compassionate.
However, Kakashi still had to admit that the boy was competent.
He had tremendous skill in Fire style jutsu, and was even able to use wind style to enhance it as well, although he was clearly still a novice at this.
He could also use the shadow clone jutsu, which worked well with Obito's surprisingly large chakra pool, which was nothing to scoff at, at around a third of a size bigger than his own.
Overall, as much as the boy annoyed him, he wouldn't be dragging down the team anytime soon, and could take care of himself.
Concluding his internal monologue, Kakashi and his two teammates continued to advance towards the tower at a relatively quick pace, being sure to save some energy for an emergency.
Along the way, the group encountered obstacles in the form of the wildlife in the area, such as giant centipedes and snakes, which were easily dissposed of by him and Obito.
. . . . .
As the group continued to advance towards the tower, Kakashi thought about his current situation.
Ever since he had graduated the Academy at age 5, I had done nothing but follow the rules.
I always showed up for his missions on time and prepared.
I always finished the missions perfectly.
I always followed the rules.
That was one thing I am determined to do if nothing else.
After all, those who did not follow the rules were trash.
Just like father.
Despite this, despite following the rules though, I was kept back.
Despite the countless recomendations given to me by those who accomanied me on missions, I remained a genin.
Despite having abilities that could put most chunin to shame and even some jonin, I was held back.
All the whilst, I saw children years older than me graduating to the rank, despite him knowing that I am more skilled than some of them ever will be.
I didn't do anything to deserve it.
I followed all of the rules.
What am I supposed to do?
Father dissobeyed the rules, and look where that got him.
And yet, here I am.
All because of that fickle thing called teamwork.
Eventually, after years of completing missions on my own, they sorted me into a genin team with two others.
Two people who I knew were weaker than me.
That didn't matter though, as we had to pass the test.
I passed that test by manipulating them.
The sensei knew it, yet did nothing.
I don't need teamwork.
I have been a shinobi for years without needing it, and now is no different.
After all, All a shinobi needs to do, is follow the rules.
. . . . .
Hours later, we encountered another team.
They apparently did not sense us, as we tailed them from the treetops for five minutes, without them acting any differently.
Finally, I decided that we had waited long enough, and it was time to claim their scroll.
*Transiton to 3rd Person POV*
Kakashi launched himself out of the treetops and towards the enemy genin.
They were all clearly rookies, as they had nobody defending their rear from a flank.
Big Mistake.
Kakashi drew his swords and slashed across the first genin's back, causing a large amount of blood to draw as he fell over, allerting the other two genin to his presence.
However, before the genin's body could even hit the ground, Kakashi was already dealing with the other two genin, as he quickly weaved the hand signs to perform a jutsu before slamming his hand against the ground.
Kakashi: "Doton: Earth Wave!"
Instantly, the earth underneath the two genin rumbled as it shifted in a wave like manner, causing the genin to lose their balance and stagger backwards.
Kakashi used this opening to his advantage as he created a shadow clone which rushed towards his opponent and dissposed of the second genin, whereas kakashi himself used a quick slash of his blade to finish off the final genin.
As he finished the fight, Rin and Obito leapt down from the treetops and searched the genin for the scroll.
Thankfully, Kakashi had made sure that none of his strikes were fatal, although they would certainly cause the genin to be stuck in the hospital for weeks, if not months.
Out of compassion and pitty, Rin ended up healing the major injuries for the genin and bandaged their more serious wounds, as the two boys searched for the scroll.
Obito: "Aha! Found it!"
Obito pulled out a white scroll, which was hidden on the inside of one of the genin's jackets.
Much to the team's relief, it was a heaven scroll. The one which they needed to pass the test.
So, with the genin healed and the scroll in their possesion, they completed their exam as they arrived at the tower, the first ones there to nonetheless.
Unfortunaetlty, they were still 25 minutes off from the record, much to their disspleasure.
Kakashi could only let loose a tsk sound as he went to find somewhere he could rest.
He could finish this test without teamwork.
He WOULD finish this test about teamwork.
Kakashi: "Just you wait.."
The boy muttered as he walked off.