(A/N before the chapter starts: A sizeable portion of this chapter will be a bit of an info dump, with the other half just being wholesome hijinks, but its just information that needs to be said bc it will have a roll later on in the story, and I WANTED MORE WHOLESOME MOMENTS DAMNIT. Appologies in advance.)
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Mizuki awoke on his own, an exceptionally rare occurance which the boy attributed to instinct after being forced to do so for a week in the exams.
However, these thoughts vanished from his mind, as the boy quickly reasured himself that he would be back to his old sleeping in ways in mere days.
His original thoughts of curling up underneath the covers, however, were quickly replaced as he heard a sound which he could never forget across either of his two lives.
The sound of Bacon crackling as it is fried in a pan.
Mizuki's levels of awakeness* suddenly skyrocketed, as he got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, not even bothering to change out of his flanel pajamas.
*(A/N: not sure if this is a real word but whatever.)
Anko could be seen hovering over a frying pan, cooking the afformenioned bacon alongside scrambled eggs and toast, a meal which was one of her personal favourites.
She was wearing a pair of short shorts that barely made it halfway down her thighs, most likely a size to small for her, and her classic shinobi mesh underarmour, which highlighted her growing curves.
To complete the outfit, she wore an apron that she always kept at Mizuki's house whenever she came over to cook, which had a solid soft pink colour, with the only pattern on it being a small teddy bear insignia in the front.
Mizuki: {Damnit Mizuki, Eyes up High. Those Thighs may be tempting. But they are temporary. The glory of the Roman Empire is forever.}
The boy consistently muttered his mantra to himself, trying to prevent thoughts which he found were appearing in his mind more and more often.
Anko: "Morning Mizuki, honestly, I'm surprised your even up this early"
The purple haired kunoichi poked fun at the boy.
Mizuki glanced over the clock for the first time, which displayed that it was just past 9:30.
Three hours to early for comfort.
Mizuki: "Same could be said for you, Why you wake up early, habbits?"
Anko paused slightly before nodding and then flipping the bacon.
The conversation between the two continued as they bantered back and forth, with the duo constantly playfully poking fun at one another.
Soon, an hour went by, in which Anko finished cooking breakfast, much to Mizuki's joy, which was quickly devoured by both of them.
As she rapidly devoured the Bacon and Eggs however, two distinct thoughts emerged into his mind.
The first, and more wholesome of the two thoughs, was that she just looked adorable as she stuffed her face with food, a weird thought to voice aloud, sure, but one he honestly felt.
The second of these thoughts however, was completely different, it was one motivated by fear.
Mizuki: {The Akimichi Clan's Hiden work by converting calories into chakra right? I really need to get something similar, can't have my future wife being fat-WAIT WHAT}
Mizuki started to vehemently shaking his head, as he realized that recently he just could not stop thinking of her lately.
After helping Mizuki clean the tools she used to prepare the meal, Anko grabbed some of her stuff and left for her appartment, first to change and get refreshed, but most importantly to train.
Even if the two were best friends, the fact of the matter is that they were still competitors in the chunin exams, and as such, the amount of time they would spend hanging out together over the next month would plummet.
. . . . .
Confirming that Anko left, Mizuki made a quick B line for the closet.
After closing the blinds around the windows, and using some of his sensory abilities to make sure that nobody is watching, the boy quickly moved aside part of the floor of the closet.
It was a false bottom.
Mizuki then gently placed the floorboard back before opening the blinds and pretending as if everything was normal.
Mizuki sat down in front of the desk in his bedroom before wieving a series of handsigns and touching the scroll.
In order to protect it's contents, Mizuki used his Fuinjutsu to create a sort of lock, that would require a drop of his blood, a certain series of handseals for a specialized unsealing jutsu, and a specialized unsealing tag.
All developed my Mizuki to hide the contents of what he would describe as his most prized possesion.
If any of the three mechanisms were either not fulfilled or fullfiled incorectly, the scroll would unseal a fire style jutsu to burn itself in order to protect it's secrets, and also record the chakra signature of those in a five meter radius of it, the information of which would be stored in a different scroll hidden somewhere else.
After completely unsealing the scroll, Mizuki unraveled it to see a series of enclosing techniques, four to be exact.
They were simply titled "Characters", "Justu","Story", and "Other"
That's right, fearing that time spent away from his original world would lead to him forgetting aspects about the original series, Mizuki wrote down a series of notes containing litteraly everything he knows about the entire Naruto Series.
Everything from the Rasengan to the Rinnegan was in those scrolls.
From the most obscure filler jutsu and clans to the Sharingan itself.
Absolutely anything Mizuki could remember was in those scrolls.
Ever since the Chunin Exams First Phase, something had always been bothering the boy.
Just how did the Raikage and Samui use their black lightning?
It certainly wasn't an average lightning release techinique, nor was it a kekkei genkai of some kind, meaning that it is something that can be reverse engineered.
Something that could make Mizuki stronger.
Mizuki started off with the obvious, unsealing the "Jutsu Scroll"
Only to be faced with a mountain of books, each of which described Jutsus of a different element and type, talking about its effect, handsigns, strengths and weaknesses, nature, users, training, and so forth.
Seeing it as the low hanging fruit, Mizuki started off with pulling up his notes on all know jutsu that use black lightning.
Mizuki: "A uniques style of lightning release utilized by the Third Raikage and Later Darui, note that Sasuke Uchiha displayed a similar ability in the valley of the end against Naruto. Possible jutsus: Black Panther, Double Black Panther"
The boy read aloud to himself.
Reading up on that very jutsu did little to help find an awnser, as it never went into detail about how the black lightning the jutsu was made out of was even created.
Seeing this as a dead end, Mizuki went back to the second sentance of the first book, as it was currently his only lead.
'Sasuke Uchiha displayed a similar ability in the valley of the end against Naruto."
There were exactly two battles between Naruto and Sasuke fighting in the Valley of the End.
The first of these battles, ended with Sasuke using his chidori after entering the Curse Mark Stage 2.
A Juinjutsu which is based off of Jugo's Clan, whose Kekkei Genkai involved the passive absorbtion of nature energy.
The second of these instances, was when Sasuke infused his Six Paths Yin energy into the chidori, which links the implementation of the little known Yin Release to creating new Ninjutsu.
However, confirmation was required. Ideally in the form of another jutsu.
In what felt like a breakthrough moment, Mizuki suddenly remembered the scene of Madara using purple lightning against Naruto and Sasuke.
Reinvigorated, Mizuki dug back into his archive,discovering the jutsu after roughly ten minutes of searching.
Mizuki: "Sage Art: Yin Release Lightning Dispatch. Madara Uchiha is able to crate bolts of purple lightning by combining Yin Release with Natural Energy."
A wide grin now decorated Mizuki's face as he realized what he had stubled upon.
A whole new brand of Ninjutsu, A whole myriad of new ways to apply the little known Yin and Yang releases.
Needless to say, this information was easily worth it's weight in gold tens of times over, if not hundreds.
Mizuki resealed the scroll before placing back underneath the false bottom in the closset, making sure that nobody saw him along the way.
Mizuki did not even wait to exit his appartment before testing his theory, Mizuki focused loosely on gathering some Katon Chakra in his hand before also doing the same with his Yang Chakra.
Whilst he may have no experience with Yin Release, or at least, none yet, the years of training he had as a medical nin aloud him to be thoroughly familiar with it, or at least, thoroughly in the context of other ninja.
In reality, he had hardly scratched the surface.
Three seconds after Mizuki started his little experiment, it ended.
The jutsu ended up destabilizing and Mizuki was sent crashing into a wall, causing the boy to let loose a deep gutorial groan as he was winded by the sudden impact.
Despite this however, a wide, ear to ear grin never left his face.
He saw it.
Had it been most other shinobi, they would simply be utterly confused and call him a psycopath.
Only truly experiences shinobi would be able to identify what was causing him to grin, and if they discovered it, there is no doubt that they would have the exact same reaction.
For a microsecond prior to the impromptu jutsu blowing up in his face, for but a flash of an instant before he was sent flying back. . . . .
The flames were a colour never before seen in Naruto.
A Brilliant White.