Shiroi Nensho

Hearing his victory announced, Mizuki turned and scratched the back of his head, showing a polite yet slightly forced smile, although the enthusiasm around him was more pronounced than usual, the boy clearly proud about performing his final jutsu.

Most of the genin had their eyes comically bulging out of their head, as they stared at Mizuki who used a jutsu none of them had ever seen before.

Vocalizing his thoughts, Asuma was the first to pose the question that was on everybody's thoughts.


Hearing this question, Mizuki's normal mischievous smirk returned to his face.

Mizuki: "I dunno, maybe a little something could help remind me...say, the Sarutobi Private Library .."

Hearing those words, Asuma stopped briefly and doubled over, clearly surprised at Mizuki's previous statement.

Even the Third Hokage himself did a double take hearing this, staring at Mizuki now with a clearly surprised gaze.

Seeing this, Mizuki himself doubled over before letting loose a deep laugh, desperately trying to hold it in, although failing miserably.

Taking a couple of minutes to recover, Mizuki was barely able to get himself to recover before returning to a relatively normal state, although he could not stop the random bursts of laughter that occurred also.

Mizuki than simply tactfully retreated to the top of balcony, where he waited for a few minutes whilst the medics came in and whisked kakashi unconscious body away to the infirmary.

Looking around, Mizuki realized that nearly everybody who he was actually friends with was in the infirmary.






You guesed it.


The only person who was left who he was moderately acquainted with was Rin, who had sustained only minor injuries in her bout with Anko.

She was only planning on sticking around for the results before heading back to the infirmary to take care of Kakashi and Obito.

Although, it was clear to anybody with half a brain that she was there mainly for the latter and not the former.

Finally, Doto stepped up to the podium and gave his closing words and soundly stepped out, introducing the Third Hokage as the final speaker.

The speech from Hiruzen was one that Mizuki would have expected, talking about how they were all great shinobi for making it this far, blah blah blah, will of fire, blah blah blah, future generations, blah blah blah, you get the Idea.

Finally, after the Hokage finished his rehearsed speech, it was time to get the information that they had all been waiting for.

Apparently, it was decided that the decision of who would pass and fail was delayed, as basically the entire top roster of the exam was in the infirmary, bar Mizuki.

And so, the exams ended anticlimactically, with virtually no closure, no grand announcement, just a promise that such would happen later when everybody was there.

The genin were all escorted soundly out by Minato, who was able to effortlessly teleport the children out.

One by one, they all left until it was eventually just Mizuki left in the stands, with the children in the infirmary still remaining untouched.

Mizuki looked up to his Fuinjutsu teacher, a sly smirk on his face.

Mizuki: "Told you I'd kick their asses"

Minato scoffed slightly at the remark, although the slight smile adorned his face.

Minato: "That you did, now, you want me to teleport you back to the center of the village, or to the hospital to visit Anko?"

Mizuki: "The latter"

Mizuki's reply was almost instantaneous, with not so much as an ounce of hesitation or doubt behind it.

Minato looked towards Mizuki, a caring smile adorning his face.

Minato: "You know, you two should totally get together, like come on man grow a pair."

Mizuki let loose a chuckle slightly hearing his sensei.

Getting to know him more in person, Mizuki realized how much of his demeanor he would pass onto Naruto.

Whilst it wasn't shown to much in the anime, Mizuki always assumed that Naruto's natural pranking talents always came as a mix of circumstance and his mother's personality.

Boy was he wrong.

Whilst the former might be true, and the latter spoke about how he acted, Naruto actually got most of his pranking talent from his father, who was known for pulling small yet hilarious pranks on those close to him.

Namely, his students.

Witty as every, Mizuki was able to instantly come up with a quick rebut to Minato's previous jab.

Mizuki: "Maybe say that after you finally propose to Kushina, which one of us needs to grow a pair I wonder?"

Although Kushina and Minato were dating currently in the timeline, apparently they had not gotten married yet, and probably would not until the end of the war.

A fact which Mizuki used in order to tease his sensei in reverse.

Minato turned to face Mizuki, chuckling slightly with his normal casual smile adorned on his face.

Minato: "You want me to leave you here?"

Mizuki: "Haha, if you wouldn't mind"

Minato then simply grabbed onto Mizuki's shoulder and warped him away, the banter between the two continuing as they left.

. . . . . .

Instantaneously, Minato arrived alongside Mizuki in the hospital waiting room in the blink of an eye, surprising some of those there, although not terribly, as they were all but used to shinobi shenanigans at this point in time.

Mizuki: "Thanks Sensei"

Minato: "Anytime. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to grab all of the kids in the infirmary now, oh, and I have got a couple more students to tease."

And so, with a quick wink and his trademark smile, the Yellow Flash vanished as he teleported away.

Realizing that he may be there for a bit, Mizuki decided to sit down in one of the chairs in reception and take a quick nap.

After all, he had just completed four fights nearly back to back, two of which were against opponents who were easily mid, if not high chunin level.

Finally alone for the first time since the tournament began, Mizuki's thoughts naturally drifted towards what he had spent his month working on.

Shiroi Nensho.

The flames which he had spent countless long nights tinkering with would allow him to fuse his yang chakra with his fire chakra, allowing him access to a new branch of jutsu.

Similar to the Black Lightning of the Raikage, it was much more powerful than it's ordinary counterpart, as it was not only hotter than ordinary fire, but could also be naturally produced in greater volumes as well.

As Mizuki had virtually no experience with this new style of jutsu, and there was literally nobody else on this planet who was, Mizuki decided to make his first jutsu of this new style a shameless rip off to ensure it was successful.

The only jutsu that used black lightning in Naruto was the black panther, which summoned a large panther out of the substance.

Similarly, Mizuki decided to name his first jutsu after a beast as well.

Shiroi Nensho: Hellhound.

He wasn't going to use a dragon or a phoenix, every reincarnator and their grandmother was doing that.

It was just too boring.

So he compromised with this.

Taking inspiration from not only this, but Kakashi's lightning hound jutsu which he would use in Shippuden.

After reflecting what he had spent his month on, Mizuki had a peaceful smile on his face as he slowly fell asleep, the ordeal now behind him.

And although he slept peacefully now, deep inside, Mizuki knew that he wouldn't be able to afford such luxuries in just a short couple of months later.