The smoke from the explosion soon cleared, only to reveal the two shinobi, both of whom were able to escape relatively unscathed from the explosion.
Across the field from them, around ten feet away, was Mizuki, who looked towards both of the shinobi with a gaze of focus.
Iwa Shinobi: "What's this? An ambush? And by a lowly chunin no less . . . I wonder how he got here"
Clearly intent on being just an all-around upstanding person, Mizuki quickly replied.
Mizuki: "It's because you have a shitty spy who didn't realize he was being tailed, simple as that."
Surprised at the blunt response, the jonin wordlessly looked towards the spy, before turning to face Mizuki, and then back to the spy.
However, during this period of time, Mizuki was not just talking for the sake of hearing his own voice.
Rather, he was doing so to buy time for the next attack to come from his two teammates.
And that it did, when two human-sized bullets rushed towards the duo.
Whilst the jonin was able to dodge, the spy was not so lucky, as he found himself being shredded as the two projectiles rammed into him.
Neko: "Fang over Fang"
The Inizuka and his Ninken both stopped spinning as soon as they landed, revealing their slightly disgruntled appearance.
Neko: "Nice distraction"
Mizuki: "Thanks . . . but I think you just killed the spy."
Neko looked down, only to see the man slowly but surely bleeding out.
Neko: "Ah shit, why does this always happen to me."
Neko: "Oi Mizuki, your profile said you could use some medical ninjutsu, right?"
Mizuki: "Yup, so we gonna save him?"
Neko: "Fuck no. All the info he has is also possessed by that jonin. No need to keep more people than necessary alive."
Although still slightly distasteful with the idea of murder, Mizuki had nearly ten years to make peace with the fact that he would be forced to do what was necessary.
And it was time to make good on that.
Despite this, Mizuki believed that he should not be needlessly cruel, as that was just a line that he was unwilling to cross.
And so, Mizuki turned to face the spy who was bleeding out, slowly slipping in and out of unconsciousness.
Mizuki: "I suppose you don't believe me here, but I really am sorry about this."
Saying those words, Mizuki quickly used the chakra scalpel technique to pierce parts of the spy's brain, killing him instantly and painlessly.
Mizuki: "Tell the stingy motherfucker on the other side I send my regards."
. . . . .
Mizuki and Neko both nodded towards one another before rushing towards the jonin, intent on detaining him.
Konchu was relatively ineffective at combat, and as a result, fell back, as after observing the jonin's behavior, it was decided that they could not risk his death.
Neko: "Fang over Fang"
Again, the two human-sized bullets shot towards the jonin, hunting him much like a wolf does its prey.
However, the jonin did not panic, as he quickly raised an earth wall to block the attack.
The two fangs were barely able to maneuver around the wall, as they continued to once more hunt down the jonin, only to see that he had tunneled underground, the rear of the wall being packed to the brim with paper bombs.
Although not directly affected by the blast, the shockwave of the explosion sent Neko flying away from the battlefield, leaving just Mizuki and the Jonin for the next few minutes.
The jonin emerged under Mizuki's feet, kunai in hand, instantly trying to stab towards Mizuki's head.
The boy, expecting this, quickly took a step back and knocked aside the kunai with one of his own before leaping away to gain distance, forming a quick series of hand signs as he was midair.
Mizuki: "Shiroi Nensho: Hellhound"
A pure white flame shot out of Mizuki's hand, taking the form of a two-meter long hound which rushed towards the Iwa nin before exploding into a ball of powerful white flames.
Mizuki breathed out slightly as he observed the scene of the impact, where the Iwa shinobi could be seen, now with several scorch marks decorating his skin.
He would not live for much longer.
However, this time would be enough to get what they needed.
Neko: "Holy Shit, what happened here?"
As if on queue, Neko came back to the battlefield, only to see a scorched crater with the Iwa nin inside of it.
Mizuki: "Personal Jutsu"
Those two words instantly shut Neko up, as he nodded towards Mizuki
After all, it was considered socially taboo to inquire about other's Jutsu unless you are incredibly close to them.
Mizuki: "So, how we gonna get the info we need out of him?"
As if on queue, Konchu appeared out of the tallgrass, unscathed, as he had fled the battlefield.
Konchu: "There are some Aburame torture techniques used to gather information"
Neko: "Mizuki? Can you use your medical knowledge to boost the effectiveness of the procedure?"
Mizuki faked thinking really hard about the question, even though he instantly knew the answer, and even had experience with it.
Mizuki: "It can be done"
Neko exhaled slightly, weighing his options, before finally giving his orders.
Neko: "Do it."
Konchu and Mizuki instantly got to work, with Mizuki using his chakra scalpel to create small cuts that the bugs would then fly in.
This awakened the Iwa nin from his state of unconsciousness, as he opened his mouth to let loose a loud scream.
And yet, by the Iwa nin's own design, there was nobody to hear him for miles around.
Whilst he remained strong at the beginning, time dragged on, and his psyche began to give, before finally cracking.
Iwa Nin: "I-I-I'll tell you everything. Just please stop."
Konchu and Mizuki looked towards one another before nodding, listening carefully to what the Iwa nin had to say.
As the Iwa nin said each word, Mizuki and Konchu grew increasingly pale, realizing what was about to occur.
Mizuki: "Shit"
Konchu: "Well, what do we do now? Captain?"
. . . . .
What did the Iwa Nin Reveal? What decision will Neko make?
When will the action get going? Will the author ever post a normal chapter before 5 AM?
Stick around to find out the answers to those questions, on the next chapter of Reincarnated as Mizuki!
(Even if we all know the answer to that last question.)