Battle vs The Wolf Fanatic

Hale the wolf fanatic wreaks havoc amongst the 150 people in the crowd.

An old merchant with slow reactions is pushed away landing on his butt "Fail, show some enthusiasm"

A man swinging a massive stone hammer does a huge swing of it at Hale imagining Hale being knocked onto the ground "Fail, too arrogant"

A young girl with a knife slices at Hale hitting the edge of Hale's clothes and tries to retreat "Pass, good awareness"

A tall old man pierces his spear putting his entire being towards Hale to get his spear easily knocked away "Fail, what were you expecting from that?"

People who didn't seem eager to join the Cold Wall get caught up in the test.

Before Hale can continue Summer stands in front of Hale's next victim, her sword in a diagonal blocking position. Hale decides to play along aiming a heavy attack at her sword.


The sword absorbs the blow, she stumbles back. She is about to counterattack but instead backs off to hide in the crowd.

"?" Hale is confused before he can dwell on it the huge man with the greatsword Eisen charges at him from behind.

"Right I forgot to pass you, Pass, now stay down".

Hale again uses his daggers to parry the greatsword and tries to pummel Eisen into the ground.


The dagger and the greatsword make a louder sound from the collision this time Eisen is half-buried into the ground and he struggles to get out.

Hale smiles and goes back on his rampage




Half the crowd is incapacitated in some way, Hale devotes most of his attention to grading what is left.

There are suddenly four small pricks on Hale's neck as Wren continuously launches needles at high speed. Hale easily deflects the next four needles but Wren just throws another four and another four after that.

Hale moves his hands almost rhythmically like high-speed charades. He catches a few and deflects the rest in a mesmerising display.


Wren clicks his tongue using his speed and strength to launch himself; he aims for Hale with a fast and heavy attack.

Hale hurriedly parries.


The parry barely catches the edge of Wren's sword, Wren is launched away with weak momentum.

"That's enough for now" Wren mumbles, a bit tired after dipping into his stamina which is regenerating slower than advertised.

"Damn, you pass, if you are so strong and fast why did you have to wait so long?" Hale grumbles receiving no response. Wren Weaving himself back into the crowd waiting for another opportunity.

Hale increases his vigilance as he continues passing and failing people no one else rising to the challenge of the reward.




As Hale finishes off the last of the crowd he sees himself surrounded from three different angles.

"Three beta wolves team up on an alpha, fight hard for the special rewards".

Hale faces himself towards the smallest but most deadly threat Wren. Wren sighs reaching into his pockets for throwing needles.

Hale doesn't want a repeat of earlier so he gathers magic power channelling frost from his hands.

"Frost wind"

The frost comes out in a constant stream blowing the needles off their path.

Hale closes the distance to Wren at a good speed. He is almost close enough to attack Wren but Summer wordlessly stands in front of Wren,

She does a straightforward hack of her sword in Hale's face. Hale deflects the attack and she goes to punch his face.

Hale is confused but still slashes both daggers at Summer's leather-gloved hand.

She pulls her hands back and hacks the sword in her right hand diagonally slicing at Hale's hand.

The attack lands knocking the dagger out of Hale's left hand.

Hale is experiencing more shock than pain "I feel for that, I actually fell for that!"

He charges at Summer like a wounded animal she seems ready to face Hale but their duel is interrupted by Eisen who charges at Hale swinging his gigantic greatsword.

Hale retreats taking on a more centred stance with the remaining dagger in a reverse grip, he attempts to take down Eisen for the third and final time.

Eisen's heavy armour clanks, his steps shake unsteadily in his charge, rather than brute force Hale applies finesse to take down the bull.

Hale uses his speed to meet Eisen's charge circling around the left leg hanging low on the ground like a wolf. He thrusts his dagger sideways digging into the joints of Eisen's armour and deeper into his flesh. With a deft motion, the tendons of Eisen's leg are out of commission.

"Stay Down and take your reward later"

Eisen thrashes around but his leg doesn't listen to him so he remains on the ground thrashing until he is exhausted.

Summer and Wren attack Hale from behind reaching to strike him in melee.

"Ice claws" the air cools and ice gathers around his dagger and two quick swipes the ice follows their trajectory.

Summer is almost entirely encased in Ice but putting up a good struggle against it defending against Hale's physical attack.

"You are eligible for the reward with that"

Wren is experiencing Euphoria at the surplus of cold that headed his way and pain from the daggers.

[You have received 17 Physical Damage

[You have received 0.5 Cold Damage]

[You have healed 2 Health Points]

[Your 400% bonuses have become 600%]

The Ice just melds into him whilst the physical portion leaves a good cut near his stomach

Hale expects Wren to be out of commission but a lightning-fast stab aims for his left chest.

Hale's Wolf shows a worried expression ready to jump Wren if Hale is hurt.


[You have done 10 Damage to the target]

The result? A small chip on the thick wolf-hide armour.

"Tch the Ice did nothing to you, if you aimed for my arms it would have hurt me…"

Hale tries to sink his dagger into Wren's arm but Wren slashes back faster than Hale. Wren attacks Hale's arm holding the dagger showing no mercy this time.

Hale deflects the attack with a sudden increase in speed. Wren goes in for another attack but Hale is faster this time.

Hale uses more speed to catch up to Wren kicking him on the back of the leg, Wren falls to the ground and Hale pushes his foot onto Wren's back.

Wren is completely neutralized.

[Your 600% bonus has gone down to 400%]

"It's over for you" Hale gloats to the trapped Wren.

"Drink it"

Hale throws Eisen a red potion in a bottle who long stopped thrashing from exhaustion. Eisen musters his strength to open the bottle downing the potion.

His leg heals and he feels rejuvenated in stamina so he goes back to fidgeting.

Summer escapes the ice gaining freedom

"You've all earnt the reward, I would have to put in some effort if we go any further" Hale drops a book on Wren's head gently tossing it at the other two,

[You have taken 10 Damage]

The book hits the still trapped Wren's head with a *thud*

[You have completed Quest "Impress Hale"]

[You have received Uncommon skill "Tracking"]

'Your Mother gave me a rare skill and you give me an Uncommon one' these are Wren thoughts.

Summer and Eisen share similar thoughts with all three having expressions of dissatisfaction.

"Are you three unhappy with your skills? The grade doesn't always matter, you three received three different skills with a high utility".

"Well that and I am also unhappy you won't get off me"

"Well check the skill and show me your satisfaction and maybe I will let you go"

Wren flinches and twitches under the weight but does as Hale says.


Focus your eyes to see the tracks of the most recent beings in the vicinity of 1 metre for 5 mana/second

Level 1

Knowledge of Common monster tracks

1 Metre radius.

Cost 5 mana/second

Level 5

Knowledge of Lord Monster tracks

5-metre radius

Cost 50 mana/second

Note: Monsters tracks available to this skill are in the least powerful to the most powerful Common, Elite, Super Elite, Chieftain, Lord

Requirements: None

"Wow it's great please get off me" Wren shows as much enthusiasm he can liking the skill alot.

Hale nods satisfied lifting his foot off Wren who immediately scurries away wanting to avoid Hale.

He goes to Summer and Eisen seeing their grudged faces.

"Can you guys promise to help me beat up that wolf fanatic later?"

"I will smash him to the ground!" Eisen says pounding his fist on his hand.

"Yes, I will have justice!"

Eisen responds first then Summer,

"What's up with the flickering name above your head? Eisen's seems normal and stable but yours is flickering and stuff." Wren addresses Summer directly trying to satiate his curiosity.

The name above her head flickers even more in response to Wren's questioning.

"What are you talking… I don't have that"

The name stops flickering completely disappearing.

'Ok...I can guess the name above their head represents being a player but what is this situation…"

Wren ignores that and focuses on Eisen who scrutinises Wren back.

"Are you the helper Father mentioned?"

"Black Bull?" Wren notices some minor similarities between the two people, their aura feels similar.


"Yes, I'd prefer you to help me in return by being my meatshield"

Eisen nods in agreement.

Before they can go on any further they arrive at the Cold Wall of Baptism.

A sharp-faced and muscly man stares them down like a hawk inspecting prey.