Crystal Nymph Bloodline

The blood fog had waited enough time already and it had reached its limit, I could see the bellowing inside it as It started to move across the lake from all directions.

This time I have no fear seeing blood fog if it was my old Nymph bloodline, the chances of it surviving blood fog and becoming vampiric bloodline was less than 10% but with my new bloodline which is 50% vampiric bloodline, I have no fear of it not surviving the assault of blood fog.

It may become a little battered due to it being half Nymph bloodline but its survival would not be a problem.

The blood fog kept coming closer and closer to the Nymph when It was just hand distance way from the nymph, suddenly something very amazing happened.

The Blood Red Gem on Nymph's forehead had lit up and produced a great whirlpool that started to suck all the blood fog that had to converge around the body.

The red gem started swallowing the blood fog, first, its sucking speed was slow but as the whirlpool got bigger, its suction force had also increased which started to suck the blood fog from all over the space.

As time passed the swallowing did not stop as I thought it might, instead its speed increased more.

The blood fog kept getting swallowed and a few minutes later half the blood fog is swallowed while the other half is being swallowed at very fast speed.

Soon more time passed and all the blood fog that present in space got swallowed by the blood gem, leaving not a speck of it behind.

Well, it had gone better than I expected, I thought as I looked at the Nymph with the complicated expression as with this last Bloodline Transformation being succeded, I am not human anymore but became a Vampire.

I should be able to get out of this space soon, I thought when sensed something from the Nymph, only to see red-colored Runes runes appearing all over its body and its aura is also rising.

"Fucking Hell!"

I can't believe it, this is so far the biggest shock I've ever got, this thing even bigger than turning into a vampire.

My bloodlines Purity had reached Grade 6, it is not the simple thing as when bloodlines reached the purity of Grade 6, they received many benefits and foremost of all is Bloodline Ability.

Those runes that appeared on the Nymph's body is a mark of the bloodline ability I had received.

One can get Bloodline Ability once one's Bloodline purity had reached Grade 6 and how powerful that ability would depend on the Tier of the bloodline.

The Tier of my bloodline stayed the same but I am not worried about having a bloodline ability with the mediocre power as I knew my bloodline is way powerful than it seems and bloodline ability I will receive will similarly be powerful.

I don't know for how long I remain unconscious but when I opened my eyes I found everything dark in front of me.

Why is so dark I thought and moved my hand, only to find I've been enveloped in some sort of cocoon.

When I saw that, I remember that sometimes vampires get cocooned in the shell of solidified blood energy, the cocooned is a sign of my Vampire transformation being perfect and I will not have any problems in the future that some humans who became vampires have.

Crack Crack Crack…

I moved my hand up and break the cocoon, only to see my parents looking at me with shocked eye and my father who was worriedly looking at me, quickly looked away and walk toward the corner of the room.

First I didnt understand why he did that but when I look down, I saw I am completely naked, the clothes I was wearing lay tattered around me.

Gasp, "Honey, you look!"

As I fully get out of the blood cocoon, my mother let out a gasp and said something inaudible.

"What is it, mother?" I asked her worriedly thinking as if this my new bloodline had done something weird to me.

"You should take a look at yourself!" said my mother with a worried face as she waved her hand a little and full-size mirror that was in the corner of my room came floating toward me.

Telekinesis, the bloodline ability of my mother. Normally only those who had Grade 6 bloodline purity able to awaken their bloodline ability but my mother is one of the extremely lucky ones who are able to awaken their bloodline ability before her Bloodline purity reached Grade 6.


Soon full-size mirror came floating in front of me and when I looked at the mirror, I couldn't help but gasp in shock and my gasp is bigger than my mother's.

What I see in front of me extremely beautiful young girl who had an extremely enchanting face with a delicate figure that one would get enamored just looking at it.

My face had become so enchanting that just taking one look, one would start to imagine the wild nights.

There is no major change in my body and face but with the advancement of my bloodline, my body had become more exquisite and my natural charm had increased many folds.

"What happened to your bloodline, we had sensed quite fearful fluctuations for a brief second?" asked my father while still looking away.

This is the first time my father spoke in the entire night, it's not that he is angry or something. It's just that he is a man of few words and he talks very limited even to his own children.

Seeing my father is still looking away, my mother opened the door of the closet with her telekinesis and took out a large robe from it.

I just had to lift my hands and robe as its had life of its own wore itself on my body.

"George you can stop looking away now." said my mother as she binds the sash of my robe.

"What happened to your bloodline love? The aura we sensed earlier was Terryfying." asked my mother curiously while shuddering a little as if still remembering the aura she felt earlier.

"It's like..." I started to recount all the events that happened in the bloodline transformation, I told them every single bit and did not hide anything.

They have experienced many things and could better analyze the events that I had experienced in my bloodline transformation.

As I finished recounting all the events, I saw my parent's expression hanging upside down.

My father who always remains poker face also has shock written all over his face. My parents stayed stocked for quite a few whiles, busy in their own thoughts.

"My daughter is really talented to turn such misfortune into a blessing!" My mother said as she hugged me and kissed my cheeks several times in happiness.

"Eleanor have you heard about the Vampiric Bloodline that Ruth had just mentioned?" My father asked my mother.

"No, I have never heard about such Bloodline." Mom said while shaking her head in disappointment, I am also disappointed as I am hoping that parents knew something about the blood-red octagonal gem bloodline which my Celestial Nymph bloodline had Fused with.

"What do you think about it George?" asked my mother to my father.

"From Ruth's description, the Blood Red Octagonal Vampiric Bloodline had two major traits one is High defense and another is either Siphoning or Swallowing through which it absorbs the energies from others."

"It is Bloodline with Grade 1 Purity and in Intermediate Tier in Power but it did not fit into the bloodline classification as it is a lot more powerful than the Bloodline of its classification should be." My father stated.

His observations are spot on and he even noticed things which I had failed to notice.

"As for your Celestial Nymph bloodline, it has three special traits first Beauty, second is water affinity and third is Carnal."

Carnal? I had known about Beuty and water affinity that my nymph bloodline gave but it is my first time hearing about it giving a Carnal affinity.

"George!" My mother loudly, "Elenore we were going tell her at her birthday but now is also a good time as that to tell her." said my father.

"The Celestial Nymph Bloodline of your mother is very special, It gives enhancement in the Carnal activities." My father said in the flat voice under the glowering gaze of my mother.

Is this consider sex talk? I still remember back in the earth my mother had taken me to Disneyland and gave me sex talk which she referred to as 'The adult stuff', it was super awkward.

"Very few inherited this Carnal trait of your Nymph bloodline but you and your mother both have inherited it and ever since you awakened this trait, your mother had been giving you the potion to suppress this trait." He said, not minding the glowering gaze my mother shooting in his direction.

So that is why I had to drink those horrible potions every month, mom had said it is to control adverse effect of my bloodline, that I had to drink till my 18th birthday, I was so happy few days ago when mom told me that this will be last of that horrible potion.

I glowered little at my mother, though the real host of this body is dead, the memories she left behind is clear as day and remembering the taste of those potion's, I still shuddered.

"From what you have told me and what I can see, your new Fused Bloodline seems to have inherited Beauty, Swallowing and Camouflage," Father said.

"Camouflage?" I asked, clearly confused I have not seen camouflaging straight.

"feel the Bloodline energy your Bloodline is emitting?" My father asked instead of answering my question.


I did what he told me and I am shocked, the aura my Bloodline emitting is that of the noncombat bloodline.

Every bloodline emit some type of aura, from that aura one, could know what type of bloodline it is but my bloodline is emitting the aura of noncombat Bloodline despite being powerful Combat type bloodline.

This is huge! With this concealing trait, no one would able to know the real know the reality of Bloodline and that would really help me in the future.

"What other enhancement did you get? Do you know your bloodline ability? Do you able to use it? Show it to mom?"

As my father finished, my mother started asking me a barrage of questions that gave me little time to answer.

Bloodline Ability? I almost forgot about that thing! I tried to access that thing but no matter how much I tried to use it, it sleep's out of my hand.

As I was trying to access my ability, I sense something. I had sensed it earlier but I decided to overlook it.

From my parents, I am getting some sort of feeling, it is like they are both releasing some sort of energy. The energy my father releasing a tiny bit stronger than the mother.

I didnt understand what that feeling so I asked my parents and also told them how I wasn't able to access my bloodline ability.

"Battle Power!" shouted both of them in unison with clear shock written on their faces.

"Battle Power?" I asked. I seemed to hear about this word but couldn't recall where.

"Battle power is real fighting strength of one. Just like your father and I, both of us are at the Middle stages of Level 4 but our battle power is different."

"This battle power of sensing ability of yours is extremly rare, I have only read about but never heard anyone have it, you should keep it secret and don't tell anyone about it." Cautioned my mother.

"Can you tell me more about this ability?" I asked, as I still had some confusions.

"Battle power is an amalgamation of all types of strengths one has, Bloodline, skills, combat experience and other things, its all combined in the single unit," he explained.

So that is how it is, the feeling I am getting from my parents is the battle power and that means my father is a tiny bit stronger than my mother despite both of them being at the same level.

"There are many people outside who can fight above their levels or can hide their level through a certain method, to guard against these people your ability is the best," he said and I nodded affirmatively as I know what he said is absolutely true.

"Try concentrating, do you able to sense anything else apart from battle power from us for us?" My father asked.

I concentrated all my focus on them but I did not sense anything from them except for their level and battle power.

"Except for your battle power and Level, I wasn't able to sense anything," I told them.

"It's ok, we will experiment with this ability of your later, for now, I think you should try to access your Bloodline ability." My father said.

"Isn't this my bloodline ability?" I asked, to my question father shook his head.

"From what I think, you have gained two bloodline abilities. One is passive while the other one is active. This sensing ability is a passive one and one you feeling but can't use is the active one."

"The other ability of yours that you can't seem access may activate under some specific condition or just need to try enough time before you are able to access it." said my father.

To which I nodded and started to try accessing my bloodline ability but for some reason, I can't seem to activate it.