Cosmic Flame Soul Refining Tower

20 %, I have now finished refining twenty percent of my energy and when I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, I found it's already 11 PM.

They will come soon, I thought as I quickly went for the bathroom to freshen and started eating them dinner which was already on the table.


My parents came along with my brother when there were fifteen minutes remaining to 12 am. "You must be very curious right why I told you to stay up this late?" I nodded, she is right I am feeling very curious.

"Well, I'll start from the beginning," she said and parched my ears attentively as I felt this is going to be interesting. "Twenty-six years ago, your father and I had an accident and we entered the dimensional Ruin by mistake." said my mother.

Dimensional Ruin! I nearly shouted out of my mind, there are many dimensional runes exits in the world.

They are small spatial territories that exist or connected to our world, they may be left behind by some expert, parts of some devastating battlefield or naturally formed, the only clear thing about them that they are very dangerous and should only be explored by Demigod level warriors.

"That ruin was extremely dangerous and we were very lucky to get out alive, your father and I nearly died in that ruin." said mother, extreme fear is clearly visible in her eyes, not only my mother but my father's usually expressionless face also showed signs of fear.

That Rune must have been very dangerous to make them feel like that.

"We had probably transported in the core are of Ruin and found this, it is the only thing that we were able to bring out of that ruin," she said as she took out the single long page her dress pocket. On that long page, a mysterious runic diagram was drawn.

"In that Rune, there were many precious things, Many things inside there were precious enough that even demigod would fight for them but this thing seemed to be most precious of all of them as it was kept in the most important place in the ruin!"

"What is it?" I asked excitedly as I looked at the page, "You will know soon, now let's go." replied my mother, I followed and found we going toward the Castle's roof.

A few minuits later we reached the roof and guards which used to guard there are nowhere to be seen, they must have elsewhere for my safety. "Sit down love!" said mom and she placed a big page with a runic diagram in front of me.

"Keep these in your hand and visualize this diagram in your consciousness without missing anything!" said my mother but I barely listened to what she said all my focus is concentrated on the four thumbnail size milky white stones that my mother had given me.

Soul stones are a solidification of soul energy and very useful in the practice of soul energy but the thing is they are crazy expensive are rare, even if my father is head of the aristocratic family, he still would need to quite a large sum of money to buy these soul crystals.

My eyes turn misty seeing the soul crystals as I know how expensive they are and if they have used such wealth on their practice, they would have been able to increse their power a little.

I quickly calmed myself and started to visualize the whole Runic diagram in my mind. This diagram may be a reason why my mother had trained me to visualize things from the child as this diagram was very complicated.

It took me four minutes to completely visualize the diagram in my mind and just after a few seconds of me visualizing the Diagram whole I saw cosmic rays fall on my body.

The cosmic rays are in the color of the night sky which has the lights from stars, moon, sun, and from other cosmic bodies shining in it as the cosmic rays have completely enveloped my body.

As energy started descended on me, my father had picked up a long page that is front of me and the next moment lightning crackled from his palm and the whole page shredded to powder. I would have been shocked seeing this if not for me being completely enamored by the cosmic light.

I could feel the Runic diagram in my body absorbing this cosmic light glow, the more cosmic energy it absorbed the brighter it glowed.

Time passed by and it has been an hour since the cosmic light falling on to me and Runic diagram inside my conscious kept absorbing the cosmic rays that are falling on me.

Twenty more minutes passed when I started to feel that cosmic light is dimming and within minutes it completely disappeared and so is the soul stones in my hand which I had completely forgotten about.

"What is this method?" I asked breathlessly while having a faint idea what this method is but I did not dare to even think about it. "Let's go down first!" said my mother, I nodded walk down toward my chamber.

"This is a Soul type Energy refining method and it is at least A Peak Grade method. You should be able to understand it if you checked your Heart space." Mother said in a serious voice as we entered my room.

"See!" I sucked a deep breath when I heard it mental energy refinement method as unlike Energy Refinement methods which are most common, Soul Refinement methods are most uncommon that even Basic grade soul Refining method enough to Entice a demigod much less a Peak one.

As for the price, it didnt has one especially those below Level 6, as to buy soul refining method not only needs huge wealth but also needs power.

With mother saying I look into my heart space, I took a strand of mental energy to looked into my heart space and I notice it did not take me much effort to do that, as whenever I have to take a strand of my energy, I had to concentrate a little do that. As my part of consciousness entered my heart space, I started to search for Soul Refining Methods representation.

It didnt take me long to find it as it is very near the lake where nymph is sitting. It a Majestic single floor circular tower, to be exact it is a majestic translucent single floor circular tower and the center of it lies a translucent cauldron and inside the cauldron is Cosmic fire which is burning blazingly.

The tower has a circular base and has twelve plain circular columns and top of that roof, the tower has a very simple design but it still excludes the Majesty and Elegance.

The Tower is wholly translucent except for the cosmic fire that is burning blazingly center of it and this tower bore a lot of similarities with Roman architecture back on the earth.

I would have liked to watch it more but I have so many questions about it that I have to ask my mother. "What is this Soul Refining Method's name?" I asked my mother as she didnt mentioned it before.

"There is no mention of it on the page. So, we gave it one and started calling it Cosmic Flame Soul Refining Tower Method." said mother.

Cosmic Flame Soul Refining Tower Method! Though the name is long, it suits the majestic tower very much.

"You must have seen the translucent tower and Blasing cosmic flame in the center of it right?" mother asked and I nodded in affirmation.

"That Blazing Cosmic fire purifies all impurities from our soul energy and stored it in the translucent part of the tower, the translucent part will become visible and solid as you put the soul energy into it.."

"And after you filled the whole tower with soul energy, you can level up to 2nd level and build 2nd floor," she said, so that's how it works.

"Leveling up to 2nd level, not only it will make your soul stronger and it will give you more space for soul energy to store." she continued.

"The telekinesis ability that I have is not my Bloodline ability as I do not have any Bloodline ability."

"The telekinesis ability is due to refined soul energy, I use refined soul energy to move the object's around and you will also able to do it from tomorrow too," said my mother.

This shocked me, I did not expect the bloodline ability but my mother using her purified soul energy as telekinesis and the more shocking thing is I will also able to use the telekinesis from tomorrow. I always wanted the telekinesis ability since childhood, seeing my mother how easily able to move many things without lifting a hand and powerful she is with it.

The battle of yesterday still fresh in mind and I clearly remember how she controlled hundreds of knives to kill whoever came in her way.

"Your father and brother also practiced this method but they didnt show it in front of others for secrecy purpose as you can imagine if information about this Method goes out," said my mother and looked at my father and mother.

Seeing her look both of them waved their hands slightly and things in my room started to float, they started to float for some time before going back to their place.

"This method not only refines soul but also gives very high soul protection from soul type attacks and aura suppression." mother said which again shocked me.

"This method is very powerful but also needs a terrifying amount of soul energy to practice, only Rich and powerful could practice it without going broke."

"We have been practicing for twenty-five years but I barely able to reach the 3rd Stage a few months ago while your father is still at 2nd stage." mother stated. Twenty-five years just to level up, three stages. How monstrous the need of this refinement method.

While I don't know much about this soul refinement method, I can tell that it only needs tremendous energy to level up and nothing else, as long as one has enough soul to feed the tower then one can level up without worries.

"If I were to guess, to fill first-floor tower, one needs at least 100 soul stones and to fill the 2nd stage about three times of that and in the third stage, I think will three times more than what is needed for the 2nd stage.

That some shit load of Soul stones one needs to practice this method. No wonder it took my mother twenty-five long years just to reach level three.

After that my mother told me many things about the method which she and my father learned over the course years and some of these things utterly shocked me and excite myself.

"Sigh, we are only using telekinesis through the pure soul energy we have, if we had actual Telekinesis Method, its power would have been enhanced many times more." said my brother before leaving with my parents.

There are many types of Soul combat methods that exist Telekenis Type, Illusion Type, and other types. Currently, we are using pure energy we have to move the objects, that is a very rough way to soul energy.

It is like using a water tanker to move a bucket of water, it is a very wasteful way as it wastes too much fuel as tanker could store a hundred times more water.

If we have a Soul energy combat Method, then we will able to use the soul energy that tower refined at its full capacity without wasting too much energy that we are doing right now.

Mother had said her mental energy, just reach 3rd level but despite that, no 3rd level is her match and she was even able slightly to injure father who is level 4 worrier just using her telekinesis.

She said that if she had real telekinesis Method, even the lowest she will be able to fight Peak stage Level 4 Warrior on the equal term with using her telekinesis power by 3rd Level energy and that is with the lowest level telekinesis method if a method is any higher, the result would be more drastic.

It took me quite a while to relax and I quickly prepared to sleep as it is quite late and I had quite a lot of things to do tomorrow.

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