Blackstaff City I

"You have a Carnal Bloodline right?" asked Richard suddenly, hearing that I got a little surprised but not shocked.

"Yes," I said. I am a little surprised by Richard asking this question soon, I thought he would take little more time to ask it.

As for how he knew me having Carnal Bloodline, one just needs to take one good look at me and have one round sex, anyone would easily able to tell I have a Carnal Bloodline and one powerful one at that.

It had been fifteen minutes since we had finished our fuck marathon, we have fucked like a bunnies whole night and only stopped when the bright light of morning bathed my cabin suit alight.

I still have the energy to continue but Richard has become quite tired from the marathon of sex we had.

After the last orgasm, Richard had become so tired that he directly slumped on the bed, he only got the energy to talk after taking more than ten minuits of rest and the first thing he talks about is my Bloodline.

"High-level Carnal Bloodline really lived up to its reputation."

"Normally I could fuck day and night without getting much tired but with you, just night of sex squeezed me completly dry," Richard said, a clear astonishment could be heard in his voice when he said this.

I could only act shy in front of him. If he knew that that Carnal was just one of the traits of my bloodline and my Bloodline is not full Carnal Bloodline, he would be shocked to the core.

He would be shocked even more when he knew the reason he is feeling so dry not only because he fucked all night but also because I have sucked bit a bit of his energy.

As for him suspecting me sucking off his energy that's impossible because of the Carnal Bloodlines are known for squeezing their partners dry, especially the powerful Carnal Bloodlines.

I have known this because after I got known my previous Celestial Nymph Bloodline had a Carnal trait and my new fused Bloodline also inherited that Carnal trait, I started to study about it.

I had asked my mother to give me books about Carnal Bloodline, not only Carnal but I have also asked them to provide me with the books about Physical and Strength type Bloodlines also, so I could better understand the varies traits of my Bloodline.

Other Carnal Bloodlines did not suck the energy of the partner, they make their partner tired with pure physical and mental exertion. My Bloodline is nothing different from other Carnal Bloodlines.

The only difference between other powerful Carnal Bloodlines and my Bloodline is that during the climax it took a very tiny bit of their energies which could be easily replenished.

"Bloodline abilities are very rare, some people did get it even when their Bloodline purity reached Grade 6 but my dear you are extremly lucky to get not one but two very rare Bloodline Abilities."

"One is Telekenesins while the other one is even special, the ability that takes orgasm to the extreme that it makes one so lost in the Orgasm that he completly lost the sense of self of oneself," Richar said while caressing my breast softly.

This time not only Richard has deep astonishment in his voice but also had slight jealousy but his jealousy is not like Karens which is simply hateful, he's natural that did not mean any harm.

"Master will be very happy to receive you," said Richard, I could sense there some regret in his voice but underlined that regret was happiness, I could understand the reason of his regret but I couldnt understand the reason happiness that underlined in the regret.

Richard talked less serious topics for a few minuits before he left but not before saying he will return at night.

Blackstaff City.

This Blackstaff city is our destination, this is the name of the city where the so-called Master of Richard lives and the airship will reach the Blackstaff city in two days if nothing happened between two days.

After Richard left I watched the cloud from the window for minuit while in deep thoughts because laying back on the bed to sleep.

When I wake up a few hours later, it was late morning. Getting out of bed I had quickly freshened up and did yoga for one and half hour before taking the bath.

I ate lunch which Karen had brought while I was taking the bath and before I sat down to practice.

When I looked into my heart space, I found the three energies I siphoned from the Richard are present, My crystal clear lake which was oozed with faint moonlight had turned scarlet again with steaming bubbles.

The Cosmic tower is again completely shrouded in soul energy while the other side of the lake had dense red mist which is giving a refreshing feeling.

Like last time, this time also I had decided to start with the soul energy as it would be simply impossible to refine Blood energy in my energy lake.

This time I did not start with slow method of one strand the time instead I started to make the bundle of strands of soul energy, this is the idea I had when I was refining the soul energy and I have to say this idea is efficient and time-saving one as long as one able to bear the extreme strain.

I continue to make the bundle of strands of soul energy until I am barely able to lift it. With my all, I started to move that bundle of soul energy toward the cosmic tower.

It felt very straining to move that bundle of soul energy, so much that veins on my head started to pop and even blood started to come out of my eyes but I didnt care and continue moving that bundle of soul energy toward the cosmic fire.


Finally, I was able to dump that bundle of soul energy into the Cosmic fire and next moment, I started to feel like my soul power is increasing. I wanted to see how much progress I am making but I couldn't seeing the tower shrouded in the mist.

After dumping the first bundle of the soul energy, I started to make second and this one is even bigger than before. I wanted to quickly refine this soul energy so I could refine my blood energy later, if I were to go by normal method then it would be evening by the time I am finished.

I continue dumping one soul bundle after another into the Cosmic fire and before I know it, all the mist that had been covering my fire had been disappeared and now could see two more columns of the tower had become solid.

The floor and four columns have become solid if I continue going this speed then I just have fuck Richard five to six times more to make the whole tower solid.

With these two new columns of the cosmic tower had not only increased my soul power but also advanced thought process, with it I could now remember many more things of the past.

When I opened my eyes and saw the clock, I was quite surprised to see that refining soul energy only took two and half hour which is one-third of what it took me to refine my soul energy last time.

I had thought this method will save me quite a time but I have never expected that it will save this much time.

I wanted to practice my telekinesis to see how strong my telekinesis have become but I did not instead, I moved toward the blood energy.

I know for sure that Richard will fuck me today and tomorrow night before we reached Blakstaff city. So I want to refine my blood energy as quickly as possible as every night Richard's siphoned energy will add to my energy making it purer but the fire energy that came with it will also become stronger.

So without wasting any time, I started to refine my blood energy and this time refining is ten times harder than the last time as the energy from Richard had made lake more polluted and pure.

I almost went mad refining blood energy this time, last time when I refined the energy the spore used to form in my body before it gets healed by the Physical Energy but this time I went further than that.

I started to circulate shit load of energy for refinement and that energy has a lot of fire element present, this lot of fire element did not create the burn spore but it directly burned it black.

If one takes look me refining, they will see my outer skin completly getting burned black one second before it gets completly healed next second with burned skin falling from my body.

The days on Airship passed quickly and the third day had already arrived, in just a few hours our airship will reach the Blackstaff city where my new life will begin.

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